
No, see, that’s what he wants you to think. Not being called the n-word is just the start of their agenda. It’s just the gateway drug.

He’s never been IN the black either.

No no no, this is totally different. Hillary *deleted* classified information. Trump just shared it with Russia and anyone dining at Mar-a-Lago. Lock her up!

I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:

“The human body is like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.”

But let us also note that these pensions are fucked into a cocked hat because of my favorite tune in American politics: The Ballad of the Shitty Baby Boomers. It goes something like this:

The investment firm the mayor tapped is being investigated by the FBI:

Using Texas as an example is foolish. You’re 43rd in education, 47th in pollution, 38th in poverty, 40th in % of people on food stamps...all with staunch GOP anti-union politicians in control. Texas is a dump and we should let it leave the Union. You also take a higher % of federal aid dollars than nearly every other

“Tough titty” - The Republican response to hearing people will suffer and die

I live in Dallas and you don’t know what you are talking about. The pension is in trouble because our dumbass real-estate broker mayor and councilmen voted to buy a bunch of risky property.

Oh, ok......Clearly if Republicans have a fiduciary “duty” to keep pensions funded for those who earned them, then there’s nothing to worry about.

Counterpoint: fuck you, fuck Texas, and those of us here in California are glad that assholes like you are willing to rot in a shithole like Texas.

In my city the government used the pension money to buy a high rise, as an ‘investment’, before the real estate bubble collapsed. It now sits at less than 30% occupancy.

But my state (Florida) is surprisingly well-run and properly-funded. So what does our idiot GOP legislature and Gov Voldemort continually try to do? Undermine it by pushing new hires in the direction of a “personal investment account” 401k-style system. In the long run, if enough people choose that option, the pension

Aw, does valid criticism of your racist moron offend you, snowflake? There, there. We know there’s nothing more delicate than the fee-fees of conservatives.

Seems fair since you guys are now fucking all of us.

Take your “offense” and shove it up your dickhole.

Just a reminder: The Electoral College is not a person (not even one!). Second reminder: More than half of Americans did not vote Trump into office. Final reminder: Bad habits of people you associate with can rub off on you. Check the lying and revisionist history. Not a good look for your boy or you. Cheers!

I know you Trumpettes love fake facts, but Trump lose the popular vote, so...less than half.

“more than half of us”