
Pirates and Marte fan here. I could give a shit about him using PED’s. What pisses me off is the statement. You got caught, own it, move on, don’t treat us like we’re stupid enough to think you “accidentally” injected something.

No, if he were to test positive a second time the 162 game suspension also includes eh postseason.

Well he’s a coaches kid, so I’ll assume his mother also doesn’t think so.

The volume of simpsons references is the number one reason I regularly kinja.

I feel Romo is owed a debt of gratitude for ridding us of Phil Simms.

He’s lazy and refuses to adapt is the truth? As for distraction, controversy, etc. I could list an incredible number of players involved in far more controversial, dispicable, immoral and in many cases actually illegal activities who are viewed as employable. Rape, sexual assault, child abuse, drunk driving, gun

April fools was yesterday

Frank Coonely released a statement yesterday that he was confident that Kang was going to get a visa. That said, if he doesn’t, and Freese maintains his production, it may not be awful. At least Josh Bell is getting way more AB’s than if he’s platooning with Freese.


I had a couple of friends ejected from a major league game because one was cheering “too loud” for someone whiny douche who said he had a headache. I bet you can’t guess the skin colors involved.

+1 Good Kinja

So Bobby is angling for an ambassadorship?

And Louie Gohmert, and Greg Abbot, and Rafael Cruz, and, well I could go on for a long, long time.

Could you clarify this statement? I’m not sure how state run exchanges rendered it useless?

As a “liberal elite” who moved to Kansas three years ago I support this statement 100%. I know teachers, in rural districts that voted for their schools being on the chopping block and their union rights to be diminished because “Jesus”. I’ll be sure to get right on “understanding” them. They reap what they sow,