Hold on, I read “20 years his senior” which to me, sounds like she’s the older one.
Hold on, I read “20 years his senior” which to me, sounds like she’s the older one.
A moment of silent respect for Paul Newman at any age, but especially in his later years.....
I think you meant 27 years his junior.
So we’re supposed to hate the ACLU now, too?
To be honest, I’d have to know more details about how the announcement went down before passing judgement. Did they steal the mic during the best man’s toast and say, “woo-hoo, we’re knocked up”? Or were other guests asking the couple after picking up on Meghan’s rather maternity-esque outfit, coupled with her…
I don’t understand the dismissal of Bill Nye. He’s been a consistently strong voice on climate change — his Green New Deal is a practical and compelling idea — he rejects belief (e.g., creationism) over actual science...and here he’s talking about the importance of masks, which are, science shows, important.
Agreed. Maybe, though, this is a bar low enough for some of the Gaines’s more conservative fans to be able to clear. If this is an entry point for white evangelicals to start talking about racism, then I’ll be grateful to the Gaineses.
As a white guy who had a sexist and racist dad growing up I find myself fighting against that programming very often. I call bullshit on anyone claiming they’ve now been totally cured or whatever. That old shit is still in your head and needs to be actively contained.
I didn’t like how Chip used the cancer analogy. He basically said he’d never experienced racism but now that he knew about it, he was going to write checks. Really, Chip? You’ve experienced racism, but in your life, as a white man, it’s a positive thing. It’s this gentle wind that pushes you from behind. You get…
I don’t really think it’s safe to go on cruise ships when there isn’t a global pandemic going on. The threat of norovirus and shitting myself for 5 days while my toilet overflows into my cabin is enough to keep me off of one.
I still watch certain episodes of both The Office and Parks & Rec and have to stomp my feet on the floor as I laugh so I don’t implode. What gifts they are!!
So I say be smart, use your brain and do some deductive reasoning and then take precautions. But live.
I always rooted for Kathryn Dennis when she was with Thomas since it really seemed like he was an emotionally abusive asshole who manipulated and gaslighted a much younger woman.
I was with you until the whole her husband is a dork, it’s not about race or sex shit. Why do white people always want to tell you it is not about race without checking their internalized racism? I was not born in this country and yet I am always checking how casually racism is imbued into every part of our lives.…
They’ve had troubles because of a leveraged buyout that saddled them with $1.7 billion in debt. It’s so frustrating to see these vulture capitalists come in and buy companies on ridiculous terms. Imagine if we could buy a house and saddle the lender with more than half of the debt? These companies make money and drive…
You know you’re old when the only person you care about in this Dirt Bag is Debi Mazar.
Their scenes were always sad and I’m not sure why Bravo allows underage kids to be filmed. I guess they figure if their parents don’t care about their emotional well-being then why should they?
I feel bad for the Giudice kids. The scenes with them these past few seasons of RHONJ have been desperately sad. Joe and Teresa might be bums in a lot of ways, but it sucks to see their kids suffer these losses.
Karen and Mina! I looooove them, and also heartily agree that Nicole Curtis is awesome and should be back on HGTV if that’s what she wants.
So are Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry expecting a child? Or are they new parents? Or did she give birth between your first and second paragraphs?