
Somewhere in Time was the best time-traveling Chris Reeve movie. I will fight you if you say different.


I’ve often said that was, bar none, the best bit of physical acting I’ve ever seen in my life. All he does is take off the glasses and straighten himself:

Thank you on #3. It’s far from the best movie he did, but I maintain that this score is John Williams’ finest work, and that’s REALLY saying something.

So the thing about the seventies is, yes child abuse was totally played for laughs.


I think you’re a little too hard on it. It was early in translating the fantastic world of comic books to the big screen, so of course the storytelling was awkward.

Christopher Reeve was the best Superman and a fantastic actor in general. He put in great work in Deathtrap and The Remains of the Day, as well. Plus, he used his life-altering injury to give a voice to his type of disability and become an advocate for others. 

1. Say what you want about the movie but Christopher Reeve is still the best Superman:

I’m admittedly not much of a movie buff and I maybe go to the movies two or three times a year tops, which is why I got around to seeing this so late! That last scene really was great. Just a great movie overall, on top of Chris Pine lookin fine as hell.


Gemma Collins claims her tyre [sic] was SLASHED

It is equal parts fascinating and horrifying to see the British press bend over backwards to turn their inbred prince’s child molesting into a story about how terrible a black woman is for protecting her children.

Gianna.  Not Kianna. 

G and K are not even next to each other on the keyboard 

Kobe's daughter's name is Gianna.

You put your body through a year of trauma

If that 6 year old knew how they got that elephant to perform he would not want to go the circus.  Protesting at the circus is the reason the circus is gone. 

Jessica Simpson is saying that she believes she is doing good with her book, trying to help others who might be in similar situations get out of them, etc. She equates people changing the subject to her wearing of animals or whatever as distractions from that cause which could be detrimental to her mission. As a

I’m confused: a big part of JLo’s job is to be incredibly hot. Her body is exceptional because she works incredibly hard to make it so—-it’s not impossible, just very hard. People do very hard things all the time when they have incentives to do so. I mean, folks are aware that she is a professional performer and