
I hate myself for knowing any of this but I remembered seeing something about how Dorit’s place was robbed when they put it for sale and it happened to a couple of celebrities. I’ve never watched Million Dollar Listing but saw a commercial for it and Dorit’s and PK’s house was on it so I watched it. The guy that

Joan, as a former recapper whose site was tragically shuttered last year I am living vicariously through this awesome recap and hope there are many more to come.

Well put. My teen daughter is struggling with depression right now; it breaks my heart to see all the young people in the waiting room at her doctor’s office (who treats only ages 2-26). THIS is the world they’re inheriting from us. But to your point about Bieber, it’s beyond the pale to see kids doing the work of

Every word here is so true. Depression originates in my brain, but my brain is also where any effective coping mechanism is going to come from. Since I can’t outsmart myself, any counter will always be temporary. But by the same token, depression’s hold is just as tenuous. Keeping that in mind is actually a really

Good on your kid. But my kid is black, and she is having an even shittier time than I did. So I am tired of people putting all this faith in the progressiveness of the youth today and ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. The same “old folks” you are complaining about were probably derided by their predecessors

My point in sharing is that this was symbolic to me of how most younger people have a more inclusive and open mindset... and one day the old farts who control everything will die off, so the world should become a better place. If they don’t burn it all down in the meantime.

I was visiting friends in the Bay area and took the BART into SF in the middle of the day. I was aware of its rep for crazies, but I ride public transit in Chicago all the time, so I’m not easily intimidated. At S. San Francisco, a disheveled man with a large shopping cart boarded and sat behind me. After a stop or

There are no good BART stories

This seems like the perfect opportunity to share this picture, which has captivated me for the past few days:

Pratt seems like a Nice Guy, and it’s clear he has good intentions, but Evangelicals are The Worst. Following the doctrine* prevents you from being a genuinely good person 90% of the time.

Agreed! While I think she “should” be able to speak about it, it’s generally best not to poke the bear. No restraining order (if there is one now, or if she is ever granted one) can 100% protect her or her child from him if he becomes enraged enough to act. If he has abused her, and she has now publicly embarrassed

This was from a great sitcom in the 90’s called NewsRadio starring the late great Phil Hartman and Kids in the Hall’s (another great show) Dave Foley. In this episode their boss Jimmy James writes a book and finds out it is cheaper to have it printed in Japan but when they translate it back to English Hilarity ensues.

All I could think about during every house reveal was: how the hell are they meant to resell a house with such a bizarre assortment of made-to-order bedrooms? Unless you strike upon a 4-child family with respective interests in volcanos, billiards, black metal, and calligraphy.

He was (not shockingly) particularly shitty towards his supposed friend female guests.  The only one that he seemed to give any kind of space to was Tina Fey.

Kelly Ripa’s thicc tree makes me happy. I can imagine how wonderful the house smells. We got a teeny tabletop tree and you can smell the piney goodness when you enter. It’s my favorite part of the Christmas season.

Legal Jezzies: How can Stormy Daniels have to pay Orange’s legal fees, if Cohen has been convicted of violating campaign finance laws by helping Orange pay her and cover it up? Isn’t breach of contract not applicable if the contract is in any way illegal, or the other party to the contract doesn’t have clean hands?

Yes! This! I really don't understand the theme shit..also, like decorating a Xmas tree is supposed to be a fun family cozy moment...I don't really understand why you would pay someone to do that. All the other errand bullshit yes, but decorating your tree? Don't get it. 

::chefs kiss::

Springsteen is such a touchstone in my relationship with my dad (they have similar backgrounds and political views). Growing up The Boss was like a god in our house, and his music has got me through a lot. I always wanted to see him live, and a few years ago, when I felt like my world was falling a part I said “fuck