
What a glorious sight. I grew up in OC, and even though I now live 1,800 miles away I still think of it as home. It’s nice to see the place I love come to its senses.


I’ve always been a huge fan of Viola Davis but this story confirms what I’ve always suspected: we could be friends. I don’t trust people who badmouth McDonald’s and are like “People who eat McDonald’s are disgusting!” No, you are! Is McDonald’s healthy? No. Is it the best food out there? Of course not. Is it delicious

Idk where MBJ gets the idea that Denzel only takes “black” roles. Yeah, he has certainly had his share of iconic black roles, but he’s also done a fair number of roles in his career that weren’t bound by race. Saying you prize DiCaprio or Pitt’s careers (because there’s obviously no debate in the talent department -

Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”

I think I am aging out of Jezebel. What a childish thing to write.

Apparently Ruth Wilson is back as Alice. Unfortunately they’ve still not told us the air date.

Black Sails and Vexed!! I found him very amusing in Vexed. 

Or Luther. Alice Morgan is one of my favorite characters.

This is your annual reminder that Meg Ryan’s romcom “French Kiss” is not available on any streaming service, which is a tragedy. Kevin Kline with a French accent!!!

When it’s not there, It’s not there unfortunately. But I loved the movie in spite of this.

I hate rom-coms 80% of the time but Love and Basketball is just one of those nearly perfect movies. That's a hill I'm willing to die on haha.

this is beside the point, but I love Queen Latifah and i love Common but i hated them as a couple in that movie (Just Wright). there was ZERO chemistry! 

What about if one lead is Black and the other white? Something New, starring Sanaa Lathan and Simon Baker, is really good and features the Black upper class! (Also, Simon Baker. Yum.)

Ryan Adams seems like the worst, like so bad that even his mom is probably Team Mandy. 

i flew into town a few days before my dad died, having not packed a funeral appropriate dress because it seemed too morbid? even though he’d been in hospice for a few months, and was pretty out of it by then.

Now playing

Give her and yourself this. It’s funny, I had this album in third grade. I haven’t thought of it in a million years. But for some reason I thought of it tonight.... and it was just right there on the internet. And I sang along with it never missing a word, while tears streamed down my face, and still do. And

English is a weird language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.

One bit of good news for today.

Ha!  i thought it was “Pole Danson” :)