
I was casually thumbing through a magazine the other day, and quickly saw an ad with these little white containers of soup, filled with what looked like maybe cream of mushroom (which I love!) and thought “Oh wow, I’ll have to get that!” In the next second of course I realized it was cat food.

AAAHHHH!!! MIDWEEK MADNESS is back! I can die happy. Thanks you from the bottom of my wicked heart. 

I didn’t think either were instant classics, but I guess I aligned more with what Kingsman was trying to do with sending up the genre. There are some real low points in Kingsman, but I thought it had a bit more to say than UNCLE, which just struck me as slick but empty.

Hahahahaaaa the guards outfits remind me of the ones worn by the guards in the “Wizard of Oz” at the entrance to the “Emerald City”!!

Agree that Simon VK, while creepy, dearly loved Alex so he gets a pass from me as well. PK is not only gross, but also literally changed Dorit’s swim wear line (including the name) without her permission and says awful, defamatory things about the other housewives to stir shit.

And yes, David Foster is revolting.


See also: Kelsey Grammar. So, so, so, so gross. Even ruined fucking Frasier by revealing (at least to me) what a festering scab of a person he’s chosen to be.

I think Russell Armstrong still takes the cake - followed by Joe Guidice. Even though this clip of him chipping his tooth still makes me cry laughing because hes such a monster.

Many (including myself) probably thought she was in her 20s like a lot of one-hit wonders. I was not aware of the rest of her career until this weekend.  Fucking magical.

Sheer fabrics are so dumb. I don’t want to show my bra through my shirt. C’mon now.

Meanwhile, I twisted my ankle getting out of bed yesterday.

Why are blazer armholes cut for pixies and tank top ones for giants? I’m sick of having to wear a tank under my tank in ninety degree weather so my entire side boob isn’t hanging out all over creation!

Isn’t it amazing how society has groomed us to think that women be shopping but men not be! and accept that men “deserve” quality long lasting cuts and fabrics while we scatterbrained ditzes just should settle for the random polyester crumbs that last three washes?

This. I have found that armholes are cut so weird lately in brands like Loft and Old Navy (I have kids and work for the government, I’m broke). They are cut sort of off somehow.

I worked for J Crew (corporate) in the early 90s. Their clothes USED to be very high quality. I still own sweaters and jackets from my time with them, and they look like new. High quality fabrics well sewn. That’s what people paid their high prices for back in the day.

Yes! I used to be able to count on Ann Taylor for business and business casual attire. A lot of it was even available in tall sizes! In the last year or so it’s like they are designing more for my teenaged daughter than for me. Seriously Ann? My daughter is not going to shop there. Middle aged working women are your

My biggest beef with clothing manufacturers:

I have mentioned this before but I know Victor Garber a little, and he’s the nicest man and he loves her like she’s his own daughter, so that’s good enough for me.

I have a weird take on this because for a good ten years of my life it would have been easy for me to say that my dad was wasting his time and putting himself through hell trying to get my mom help for her alcoholism. For years we were told that he was “enabling her” and preventing her recovery by believing her when

Person in recovery here too. Affleck strikes me as a bit of a “dry drunk.” Even when he’s technically sober, he seems to be generally dissatisfied with life as it is and acts out through gambling, infidelity, etc. Always trying to fill the empty places inside.

I think this is an important point though--she’s got financial stability and doesn’t have to be showing up for a 9-5 job or anything. That it’s so shocking to see someone famous tending to their family and related responsibilities with the myriad resources available to her maybe says something about our expectations