
I’ve worn Birks for the last 20 years. They are my go to summer shoe because of the ease, comfort & air flow. I’m glad they are now back ‘in’, but I know that my friends will still give me shit daily about wearing them.

A few years ago, some friends and I went out on a Thursday in a scene straight out of Bad Moms. The next morning we were faced with the reality that all of our kids had Christmas parties at their elementary schools. We still laugh at that hangover nightmare, but not one of us puked. Chrissy managed to class her story

This is what you do:

When I worked for Aveda, I would recommend their products. That was more than 10 years ago. They were bought out by Estée Lauder a few years ago and from what I’ve heard from others, the quality has declined.

In that other thread, a few women talked about using Rogaine. If anyone has used Rogaine for more than 5 years, I would love to know how it’s going. I have started to thin, but had soooo much hair it’s taken a few years for me to get to a point of concern. Now I’m concerned as I see scalp widening (gasp) and it’s time

Real talk, though, someone needs to have a sitdown with Joe re: those mom jeans. Or help him figure out what he did to DJ Deeze, because that is a truly unflattering picture. 

The reality star’s rep, Steve Honig, denied Caffrey’s accusations in a statement to Us Weekly: “The claims being made are beyond preposterous and clearly a knee-jerk reaction to Danielle’s filing. I cannot imagine there is a single person gullible enough to believe any of this nonsense...

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I feel like I’m required to post this every time Taylor Dayne comes up, which is kinda surprisingly often in the past few weeks?

Ugh. Could men maybe just not treat the world as their toilet? 

My mother was an Orthopedic Nurse for 40 years. These are the people that take care of you when your body is spindled and mutilated. She saw a lot of stuff.
One of her biggest points of anger are people who say Marriage is “just a piece of paper”. Sure, but all your legal rights are written on pieces of paper. They

The only thing you forgot is that the changes they make will ruin everything. Those changes are always terrible.

What’s the source on this? I want to call shenanigans.
Not only did she say on RHONY last week (essentially) that sometimes love just ain’t enough—B is smart enough to not get married again after the shit show that was Jason Hoppy.

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The world was so different just three or four five years ago:

Nah, this was one of the last houses to be converted in a neighborhood that has largely been replaced with opulent mansions.  Every house on the block is worth more than $1 million. They’re just frustrated that so much money can’t buy you privacy in LA. 

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There’s a Britney and Gaga version of “Telephone”on YouTube; Britney’s team ultimately passed, and Gaga did it with Beyoncé. Robyn recorded a demo of “Piece of Me” before it went to Britney, but I can’t find it. It’s really frustrating that Robyn isn’t a bigger deal in the States. “Dream On” has long been my jam.

I wonder if his addiction was the reason for them breaking up on and off. This is so incredibly sad for her and his family...

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it appears that the movie is about romance and dog therapy?

You rock!

I’ve never sprung for an entire grocery order, but I like to buy a grocery store gift card and leave it with the cashier to give to the next person in line. One cashier really gets into it and waits until she spots someone she thinks could use a happy little surprise, or looks like they need the help, or whatever. She

He did an episode of the W.T.F with Marc Maron podcast a few months ago and I found him to be very refreshing. He’s very upfront about his feelings about his history with his parents and hollywood in general. I found him to be very self aware and grateful for the life it afforded him while still able to be critical of