
There’s more to the Synergy arms than just the bushings. Materials, design and ease of instalation to name a few.

As someone who manages a business, I can tell you that marginal tax rate has absolutely nothing to do with the number of jobs created. The single driver of that is demand. Now, there is evidence to support the idea that the marginal tax rate spurs demand becuase when faced with the option of paying 30% in taxes or

The most comical part is the assumption that Chris Gaines is actually straight.

“Long, drawn out diatribe about why everyone is so stupid and I’ve figured out the problem with one, over simplified, silver bullet answer...” There, I feel like I’m part of the club now.

those damn, entitled millennials are the culprit. Case closed. Kill off that generation and make everything great again!

PLEASE, just let them bring over the 70 series Land Cruiser they are already making for other markets. They would have my money in seconds if those became available.

I had the opportunity to meet with these guys at their facility in Miami. Not only is their work top notch but they are total enthusiasts with a family history with FJ40s. I shall also take this opportunity to show off another photo of the one that resides in my garage:

Pretty sure that “brake checking” is considered assault under the criminal code in many states. Regardless of whether or not the guy following was too close.

I was in the RHD Synergy Jeep during the night run. Very impressive to watch you guys go through Hells Revenge in that little beast. Keep up the good work!

Wonder how much different officer Edwards actions would have been if he realized the dash cam was on?

You would have a blast. Let me know if you do plan on going. I work for Synergy MFG and could show you around in a few of our off-road toys.

Ah yes, being hopelessly stuck in the sand... Reminds me of the beach shenanigans of the Turf n’ Surf here at Pismo each year:

6.0? I'm impressed it lasted long enough to see combat.

This was actually a stand out to me at the LA Auto Show and just like sports and sex, it’s even better in person.

I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave.

Sounds like an all too familiar story from one of our rounds at Ultimate Adventure. Glad you got up and running quickly and easily, looking forward to watching the rebuild and seeing the ‘heep’ at EJS next year.

Soon the only truly limited edition Jeep will be a non limited edition model. That’s wiggity wiggity wiggity wack.

At least it WAS until you posted this.

Also... This is still my favorite tow rig of all time: