
I get nervous enough will all the Bros towing ‘toyhaulers’ with their oversized brodozers, now I’ve got to watch out for the hippies draging their tiny houses around with a beetle.

I guess I will HAVE to get this once it comes out to go with the full size version in the garage.

I’m generally impressed if turn signals are ever touched, much less used for more than one blink.

Love junk yards! Another benefit is learning how the various parts you are looking for are removed. The experience can pay off during the reinstalation on your own car.

If the driving experience authenticity is on par with the the car it is replicating I give it a pass but in this case I have to say no go.

Looks very similar to a 57ish GMC I spotted at the local cars&doughnuts meet this morning. Perhaps I “need” to buy it?

Everyone needs some of these:

When rowing through the gears (or at least flapping the paddles) I feel engaged even in mundane driving situations. That to me is a pleasurable part of driving and I have yet to experience a cvt that comes close for driver experience.

I’m sure glad states like Texas, New Jersey and Michigan protect these assholes. Always putting the cusumer first right?

Hhhmmmm... I have an MG rotting in the garage. Now I’ve got a plan. ...To the junk yard!

precisely. I find it amusing that people will defend to no end their particular niche interest while lambasting the “idiots” that don’t conform to their taste. If you like pickups, buy one, if you don't, piss off and keep overloading your vehicles beyond capacity.

The irony was thick the entire weekend, with loads of “overlanders” loaded up with enough survival equipment to cross Siberia, headed straight for the hotels once they realized rain/snow/mud was in the forecast. I've never seen so many RTTs in a Hilton parking lot.

Incorrect. There was a pack of unimogs in one corner of the expo. I’ll have to dig into the picture stash to find them.

From reading the comments I feel that many people are confusing the act of selling cars with brand building. What the article is describing is building the dealership as a brand not simply selling cars to individuals via social media. There is a huge difference in long term strategy vs short term return that needs to

I can second this account of illegal extraction by the state of CA. There is a law stating that full time students not claiming in state tuition as I was are exempt from registering their vehicle in CA, paying the fee and also emissions testing.

GM, ruining diesels for the U.S. market until they passed it off to Isuzu.

Truth. Anyone attempting to drive reasonably will immediately be taken advantage of.

I too have mixed feelings about "urban DH" as it seems to be overhyped and not nearly as good as a natural course. That being said it has brought exposure of the sport to a broader audience and that, I am all for.

"More than you can afford pal... Wait how much for a supra?"