You're the best, Tim.
You're the best, Tim.
Oasis - Standing in the Shoulder of Giants
After a remarkable run in the 90's, Oasis sort of lost the plot with this one. There are a number of Oasis-by-numbers tracks and Liam's first songwriting contribution to the band is a clunker, but I still love it.
Enjoy the old kinja while it lasts, folks. Here's 16 minutes of bliss.
Really? Shit, that's one of my all-time favorite songs.
I can't stand figure skating, but goddamn, all the other winter olympic sports are awesome. Anyway, here's a song about winter.
Silversun Pickups are kind of shoegaze revivalists, since this is from 2006, but this is pretty accessible stuff.
I was 8 when this came out, but it seems relevant nonetheless.
I'll agree to disagree on that. But I can certainly agree that the Party in the USA mashup is great. I remember it being huge on campus when it first came out, but I'd forgotten about it since then. Thanks for bringing that back.
Is this the best mashup ever? It's the best I've ever heard.
That's why it's so damn badass.
That's one of the coolest album covers ever. So's this, minus the stupid "deluxe edition" logo.
It's a shame Chipper can only do so much.
I had to unstuff envelopes for 5 hours today, so now it's time to kick back with the Hold Steady and some Banquets.
Watching Iowa-Michigan State, and this seemed appropriate.
This is the guiltiest of pleasures, but I run to it nonetheless.
And I Thought Chicago Tolls Were Bad DUAN
Last week I drove the length of New Jersey listening to the Gaslight Anthem and Bruce Springsteen, which was awesome. That almost eased the pain of the nearly $30 in tolls I paid along the way. Jesus fucking Christ.
She looks happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. Mostly confused.
I love this album. I only came to appreciate it last year, but it's been on pretty constant rotation since then.
Good God these the two weeks between the championships and the Super Bowl are interminable. Maybe it's more pronounced since I actually care this year.
I feel so much cooler when I'm driving with this song on.