My Mom had a 2002 manual AWD in burgundy, gutless and the thing was horrible on gas
My Mom had a 2002 manual AWD in burgundy, gutless and the thing was horrible on gas
He has studied it more than the people who engineer and build them, imagine that.
What exactly is he getting fired for?
As opposed to calling it the what?
Which means you don’t get to purchase
The $1k/month is supplementary income on top of your job, nobody has ever suggested they live on this $1k/month and sit on their ass
You’re telling me there isn’t 2 center consoles!
He defense has already come down to “if he did it, it doesn’t matter because it isn’t a crime” to already combat that fact that they know he did it, so they’ve moved the goalposts to the “not a crime” position. See also:
It would make sense to avoid them based on the boring ass cars they make alone
“Boeing is hardly unique” - reading is hard
As mentioned in the article, most kids aren’t going through the hassle of breaking windows and will only steal if it’s unlocked.
I like a short deck and a looooonnnngggg..... front end
That economic growth is being fueled by debt, it’s all an illusion.
Ask for mayo on the side and it’s all good. Recently was at Disney (from Canada) and we don’t have these up here. Great way to start the day.
Because Biden is guilty as shit and the President has a sworn duty to investigate criminal activity! - Trump Blowhards
They aren’t even saying he didn’t do it anymore, they have moved the goalposts to “he did it and he was allowed to do it”.
He “got away with it” because she refused to testify in court.
so what will be in Trump’s obituary?
Hero to the sports world, just look at the world wide celebrations in his name.
Does it need to be done immediately following their death? Seems a little insensitive to his grieving family just for some asshole to say “hey wait a minute this guy isn’t a hero!”
Not cynical, realistic and level headed I would call it.