Questionable food preferences/loyalties aside, I’d much rather live in Cincinnati than Detroit based on what they’ve been doing to revitalize the city, especially their downtown and downtown-adjacent areas.
Questionable food preferences/loyalties aside, I’d much rather live in Cincinnati than Detroit based on what they’ve been doing to revitalize the city, especially their downtown and downtown-adjacent areas.
Little Caesars’s COLISEUM! Hello?!?!?!
Better than living in Cleveland. Or Cincinnati. Or Indy. Or Philly.
Makes you want to move to Detroit. Cheap housing and I bet floor seats are a steal. Of course, 1. you’d be living in Detroit and 2. they’d be Pistons floor seats. But you have to take the good with the bad.
I know it would be kind of cheesy, but why isn’t this place called Little Caesar’s Palace?? And then just “The Palace.” Is it the lawyers? It’s probably the fucking lawyers. And I’m not even saying that’s an ideal name. I’m just saying if it’s Little Caesar’s who has the naming rights, and that’s what you’ve got to…
Do you know what site your on?
here’s why i think it isnt her:
Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”
The organization of the windows ecosystem makes Linux look like a raging dumpster fire by comparison. Take your religious fervor elsewhere.
I love Windows. It’s so accessible. There’s no substitute for knowing that any little app or tool I may need for a project is out there, usually for free.
Based on your comment I honestly think you are an idiot. The only other mainstream OS is mac and frankly that is a bad choice for any enterprise setup. Linux might work in some cases but it is quite fragmented so every time you hire a new IT guy they will inevitably need extra time to get up to speed. And chrome OS…
Aw man, it came in a wagon?? Now I REALLY want one
I thought they got paid by the year as well. So if he doesn’t let them play, the advertisers get mad, the fans get mad and the players get paid.
Jones is the living embodiment of “talking out both sides of your mouth”.
I think thats a Sebring $kaycog...
Wait, somebody stole a Chrysler badge?
Nothing says FREEDOM more than being forced to show allegiance...
Some Cowboys players were shocked to hear that they’re owner
I’m convinced Jerry Jones (and his “good buddy” #FearlessLeader) are behind Der Commish and his call to force the teams to “change the rules” in order to FORCE all the players to stand for the anthem at next week’s owner’s meetings.
After all, Jones seems to be the one pulling Goodell’s strings on a regular basis, and…