
The dog sounds like a self-proclaimed "nice guy" who complains that girls just want to date handsome idiots and don't appreciate him.

Yeah, I never bought the idea that it didn't matter how Gawker behaved, it should be defended on principle.
Gawker helped a male prostitute out Timothy Geithner's brother because he refused to be blackmailed (while protecting the prostitute's identity). Not one fucking writer at Gawker was willing to quit over the

Agreed. There is something that just seems wrong about a character created by a Jewish writer to rally support against Nazism being turned into a secret Hydra agent.

Even by comic book standards Sam Wilson's Captain America is heavy-handed.

The crazy thing is, 2009 to 2014 was probably one of Marvel's best runs ever (with the notable exception of X-Men). Course, that creative success in large part due to character focused comics like Daredevil, Hawkeye, She-Hulk, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, and not big event crap like Avengers v. X-Men.

I guess in real life Victoria found Albert more attractive, but the show does kind of skip over why she would be more interested in surly Albert rather than the charming Ernst, or why Leopold would care which one she marries.

Paul Rudd could do it, but he is far too famous at this point.

I am an American that prefers Norton (and think you are being too kind to Carpool Karaoke and Fallon), but he does have one huge built-in advantage: He does maybe 35 show a year, while US hosts have to do at least four times that. He can be a bit more selective with guests (no 2 broke girls stars), and can plan it out

I've had the Goose Island Bourbon Stout. I enjoyed it, but wouldn't recommend drinking more than 10 ounces at once. Even for an Imperial Stout it is rather sweet and heavy..

I was just about to say that X-Men Legacy with Haller was probably the first X-Men I have read every single issue of in about a dozen years.

I had read the book first and thought it was pretty bad, so was really surprised by how much I liked the movie. In the book, Patrick Bateman's' brand naming gets tiresome really quick.

NYT had an article on Rowan Blanchard a few months ago, and she seemed like a real life version of Britta Perry.

I also think Selena Gomez is one of the few major stars that Disney/Nickelodeon has had in the last few years that didn't completely burn bridges with either the network or co-stars. A lot of stars (Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande,etc) want nothing to do with a shitty kids show once they become famous enough,

Watch this clip of Samantha Bee curbstomping brexit voters.

I know that pop culture is right in the AV club's wheelhouse, but for some reason the headline seems especially gawkerish. At least it did not say Beyonce "slayed" the VMAs.

Glad that Brazil has such a low crime rate it can devote resources to this matter instead of trying to police the favelas.

Literally the night of Obama's first inauguration Republican leaders met and agreed to oppose every single piece of legislation Obama would propose as a general strategy. Outreach wouldn't have done any good. Obama was stupidly willing to make major cuts to social security just for the possibility of Boehner cutting

His first two years he did have huge majorities in both the Senate and House, and that is when every major piece of legislation associated with Obama was passed. For the next six years it was just executive orders and foreign policy.
He was never going to get the Republicans to pass anything, but it is was a massive

I think the less-positive New York Times review specifically refers to it as hagiography. To me it just looks kind of boring. It is hard to tell a good story when you make characters flawless and have no real tension (which is why the movie Game Change should have focused some on John and Elizabeth Edwards marriage

They keep supporting crappy Marvel shows, but I've come to accept that Marvel will never create a really good animated show (and sure doesn't need too financially).