
I was going to say I was shocked that a network gave Roseanne Barr a Saturday morning cartoon, but then I remembered that Tales from the Crypt was also turned into a kids cartoon in the 90's.

It was implied she might have fucked Wolverine (before Ryan North made her 18)

In Bendis' Avengers Squirrel Girl looks kind of similar to Anna Kendrick with shorter hair.

Sonia Saraiya is really the only AV club writer that I ever felt stirred shit up just to get angry comments and clicks, and she left a good while back.

True, Buzzfeed is more annoying and Fallonesque than anything else, and would never do some of the malicious shit Gawker did (outing people, linking to hacked nude pics, publishing the Duke fuck list).

They was a small surge of war movies a few years ago, but a lot of them were either very preachy, poorly reviewed, or box office poison. (Green Zone, Lions for Lambs, Stop Loss, War. Inc)

Good lord those ads are annoying. I guess at least one movie studio was smart enough to realize just how many Americans are into fucking godawful carpool kaoroke and lip sync battle, and created the perfect movie for those soulless bastards.

Hogan's awful, but the character of the plaintiff really shouldn't matter. If Gawker had shown the stolen sex tape of Anna Faris and Chris Pratte, or Beyonce and Jay-Z, I think there would be a lot less media ambivalence about Gawker's shitty "journalism".

Jezebel was also really hypocritical. They would have articles about how bad body-shaming is (which is true), and then offer a reward for un-retouched Lena Dunham photos.

The prototypical jezebel writer was a white woman, often the graduate of an expensive college like Vassar, explaining how the Kardashians were "slaying" it and the haters need to shut up.

Yeah, at best they were about 20% good journalism and 80% celebrity gossip. I think the writers knew that, but they site demanded they produce so much clickbait that they did not usually have time for journalism.

Quanum Leap and Northern Exposure would be ok as quirky USA network type shows, but Homicide and X-Files (I also never saw China Beach) are the only 90's dramas that would be considered prestige television.

I never understood why Boardwalk devoted so much time to Al Capone when his story had been done before in multiple movies. George Remus (and for that matter Arnold Rothstein) was a minor character, and his batshit crazy life would have been perfect for a show.

I wonder if it is especially hard for bands I enjoy like Japandroids (I know they decided to break up despite growing popularity) or Cloud Nothings, whose music does not really lend itself to advertising. I feel like if they were around in 1993 they might nave at least gotten some play on 120 minutes or the pre-clear

I don't think there was any sort of rigging, but I do think establishment Democrats do create obstacles to ensure that the establishment candidate wins. I realize Barack Obama was not the establishment candidate in 2008, but after his 2004 DNC address EVERYBODY though he would run for president at some point.

Hillary is definitely to the right of David Cameron and most of what Europeans consider conservative.

I'll vote for Hillary, but seeking "incremental progress" has worked out pretty badly for Dems the last 40 years.…

I will vote for Hillary in November, but am glad Bernie is at least trying to get the Democrats to care about economic justice again. It is crazy how far to the right the Republicans have moved the conversation. People like Truman,Johnson, and King talked about universal healthcare, ending poverty, strong unions, and

Outside of Shaun King at the New York Daily News, I cannot think of another mainstream journalist that endorsed Sanders over Clinton. I feel like these primaries had non-stop articles in the NYT, WAPO, Slate, and VOX dismissing Sanders and his supporters. Not to mention the whole Bernie bro myth bullshit.

I completely agree with you about revenge porn not being covered by the First Amendment. I just meant that people are (wrongfully) defending Gawker because Hulk Hogan is not sympathetic.