
If Gawker had done this to someone like Beyonce or Adele instead of noted racist Hulk Hogan you would see a lot less fretting over this eroding the first amendment.

Snarkily comment on other media outlets that actually do things like investigative journalism and broadcasting?

He might not be a good writer anymore, but Grantland was probably the best collection of sportswriting I've ever seen. I give Simmons credit for going after young talent and letting them shine rather than just seeking out big names. Also, he was pretty instrumental in getting the first years of 30 for 30 going.

I am no fan of Peter Thiel, but let's not turn Gawker into some innocent victim. I mourn them about as much as I would the National Enquirer going under. It might cost hundreds of employees their jobs, but what kind of journalist would still work for a company after it colludes with a blackmailing prostitute to out

I think you are forgetting about the Marriage Ref.
"Come watch my rich friends mock normal people's marriages."

Yeah, I am kind of shocked his death got a mention at the AV club. I guess he was in some movies, but he really was kind of the butterbean of MMA. He looked scary, but wouldn't last a round against legit fighters.

As someone who watched way too much 90's tv, the only dramas of its era that were even at its level were X-Files and some seasons of Homicide.

The show has never really shown Trubel with any romantic interests, but I think there is definitely a part of the Grimm fanbase that assumes/wants her to be lesbian. I don't think the writers would want to piss them off.

I feel like the show has been so vague with details about Wesen (other than their animal traits) that we really have no idea how many they are, or how many Grimms are out there.

That's because being a social progressive requires little work and sacrifice. It is easy (and morally right) to be for gay rights, racial equality, etc. As the cretins at Jezebel put it, they are "woke". It is much harder to be for things like a single payer healthcare and increased spending on the poor because that

I've only seen a few episodes of her old talk show, but she was the most disinterested interviewer I've ever seen. It is rare that you see a C list celebrity so clearly looking down on having B list celebrity guests.

That's true, although Elizabeth and Philip could have easily come up with another cover story that would keep her out of danger. They could have claimed to work for the CIA, said they were in witness protection, etc. Even in the center wanted Paige to be a spy, there was not much they could do if Elizabeth and Philip

It's kind of ironic that as no-nonsense as Elizabeth is she remains a true believer in the Soviet Union. From the very first episode we saw that Philip was certainly open to defecting, and does not really harbor any illusions that the Soviets had created a worker's paradise. It is just a job (that he would rather not

If we stopped selling them weapons than Britain, France, and China would just immediately step in and start selling them weapons. Saudi Arabia is clearly an awful country, but the truth is that no time soon are we going to abandon our alliance with them for a Shia country like Iran. The Middle East is still very much

Yemen is a shitshow, but iI think you are assuming the US is more powerful than we really are. Even if we opposed Saudi Arabia they would still be attacking the Shia Houthi. The Saudis have stockpiled tons of weapons from us the last 40 years, and I doubt there is anything we could say that we stop them from

Thought this was a near perfect episode, but preferred Lupone as the cut wife. I realize Penny Dreadful doesn't go for naturalistic dialogue, but it seemed that the Alienist dialogue sounded especially unnatural.

Even by comic book standards the X-Men backstories have become ridiculously convoluted. There have been so much resurrection/time travel/dramatic shift in characterization that is is really hard to keep straight. Besides X-Men legacy, I don't think there has really been a great X-Men title for a long time.

I like Rabin, but this might be the worst World of Flops review ever. Way to eager to attribute the movie's failure to rumors and fighting rather than a fundamental misunderstanding of the characters.

I think almost every kid at my school preferred Nick except kids whose evangelical parents banned it. Since I was born in 1981 my Disney/Nickelodeon knowledge doesn't go much 1994/1995. For me, while Nick was showing stuff like Double Dare, Ren and Stimpy, Adventures of Pete and Pete, Disney was Mickey Mouse cartoons,

Yeah, that scene felt like someone inserted part of Gotham into the Flash. Really over the top.