
I like to imagine the show ending in 1987 with Paige as a superspy, and Henry still completely oblivious. I could totally see him getting wasted in the parking lot at heavy metal concerts, playing Nintendo, and not noticing when his family is gone for a week at a time.

I think on one of REM's tours Michael Stipe had the lyrics on cards, and he wrote the freaking songs.

4 salty comments in one review. Man, you probably don't even appreciate Di Blasio and Clinton's CPT joke.

Target is actually just as anti union as Walmart and has nearly identical wages. Amazon is just about the same situation.
That being said, Walmarts are usually far more depressing than Targets.

This doesn't get a Great Job Internet!, but someone on youtube combining Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle does? For shame.

You don't seem it much in film criticism, but I've found that logic has pervaded a lot of music criticism. If you don't think Drake or Britney Spears' last album was good, you are considered an elitist jerk.

My problem with Bomani (and really this applies to a lot of ESPN's commentators) is that he will arbitrarily take a position that he knows will piss enough people off to generate radio calls and tweets. Then some idiot will fire off some angry tweet in the other direction, and he calls out people for being ridiculous.

Patrick Kane is clearly a piece of shit, but in a sense he benefits from hockey being the fourth most popular sport in the USA. His cabbie beatdown got relatively little press.

Those other bad acts were things that almost every college student does. Also, by using terms like "highly possible" Nifong went too far and that "even if" the accusations were false, he is casting doubt when it was already apparent they were innocent.

At least she acknowledged her mistake. Selena Roberts of the NYT ripped into the Duke players even after evidence proved their innocence, and never apologized.

As someone who lived in North Carolina at this time, it is real important that we avoid the false equivalence of "both sides were bad." The Lacrosse players hired a stripper and drank a lot, which is hardly unusual for college students. Nifong literally hid evidence that he knew proved their innocence, and probably

I also think that the sex in the broom closet joke did not work, but I still thought it was a pretty good episode. Your review seemed to indicate you thought it was about an A- episode, and then you dropped to it C+ because of the final joke in a sense negating the earlier funny part.

South Park has really had a dramatic improvement from where it was three years ago. Trey and Matt seem a lot more focused, and I am wondering if having continued plotlines forced them to stop writing the episodes within a week.

I started reading the AV club in 2007, and I stick with the site because it covers shows nobody else does, and has one of the few comment sections that does not devolve into insane racism or Godwin theory attacks all the time.
However, I do wish this site could go back to where it was in 2011. It seems like

My problem is that the good reporting seems to be at most ten percent of the site. I don't really have much interest in the videos, and think the listicles are just godawful. I think what worries me the most is that buzzfeed will be the model for news sites from now on, and everyone will rely on tons of dumb lists

Earlier this year Gawker published the name and details of a Conde Nast executive alleged to have a gay affair (they protected the identity of the gay prostitute who claimed it, but not they guy he attempted to blackmail) and that was pretty fucking shameful. Plus, virtually everyone on Gawker defended the article

Although I did find the show very frustrating (and probably won't watch this season), I was going to say that the content of The Leftovers had little to do with the shit storm. That was almost all on Sonia.

I almost surprised more Friends actors don't do the same thing When I visited some family friends in England five years ago, Friends seemed to be ridiculously popular amongst their 13 year daughter and her friends. Maybe it is the same way over here (via True Detective Season 2) with teens, but it does not seem like

It seems like this column interviews more males than females, but there could be some really interesting/depressing interviews of females that got knocked off quickly/never had a chance at great roles. In 2001 I was sure that Sara Michelle Gellar, Parkey Posey, and Linda Cardellini would be stars. They are all still

I liked the first few seasons of the League, but thought it ran out of material pretty quickly (kind of have the same attitude with Workaholics). It is amazing that It's Always Sunny can still crank out episodes like "Charlie Work" and "The Gang Misses the Boat." Only comedy comparison I can think of his how the