
I got to say I was kind of disappointed. Other than the bit about male housekeepers and soccer fans, not sure I laughed once. I get that Hannibal is pretty laid back, but this just felt half-assed. B seems a real high grade.

This is coming from an American who has only visited Scotland once, but the political situation there is kind of a mystery to me. 55% of Scots voted against independence, but the SNP pretty much swept up all the parliamentary seats.

Yeah, that film was not unfairly maligned in the least. It was pure garbage. and felt like a band stand-up routine with some plot points thrown in.

Olivia Wilde turned down Gamora to be in the Longest Week and the Lazarus Effect, so didn't even get to do cool shit like Edge of Tomorrow.

When you look at the prosecutor's motive and argument it its kind of frightening how many English people thought she was guilty. Not sure what the standard is in Italian courts, but there was a lot of reasonable doubt about it being a Satanic ritual killing.

As a teenager I admittedly watched and enjoyed Singled Out, but leaving the show to create Flavor of Life and Surreal Life is not shit Cronin should be proud of.

I am assuming Charlie Day was cast since Ice Cube is really only about 5'8" and does not look that menacing anymore as a chubby middle-aged man.

At this point in his career it seems that at least 80% of the roles Giamatti gets offered are just complete sleazebags. At least he will always have John Adams.

Forgiveness, please.

I think she at least needs a better/smarter agent. Apparently she was offered the role of Gamora in GOTG but turned it down. How the hell could her agent not have not seen that a Marvel movie would be better than Burt Wonderstone of the Change-Up?

I really enjoyed Hickman's run and liked that he included more Val and Franklin. However, I am thinking that eventually it gets hard to write for a character whose mutant power is being an immortal that can warp reality.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed the fact that his lyrics were unique, but could not get past his awful flow. Mase maybe the only rapper whose flow I disliked more.

"which doesn't like foreign leaders whose governments provide widespread benefits to the majority of the population". Clearly this is the most logical reason, and explains why the US has such tense relations with the UK, Canada, Australia, and France.

I still watch 60 minutes, and everyone once in a while they have some good pieces (I enjoyed Scott Pelley getting McConnell and Boehner to admit that they are assholes that are unwilling to compromise on even the most basic legislation).

It is also important to remember that CBS news was third in the ratings and falling when Rather got fired. I think CBS was looking for a reason to get rid of him, and jumped when they got the chance. If Brian Williams was in ratings trouble, I imagine he would have also been fired.

Until the Colin Jost/Michael Che disaster, Quinn definitely flubbed more lines than any other Weekend Update anchor.

Good lord having Lewis Black on every night would get old quick. I saw him do standup once, and his schtick works a lot better in very small doses.

I am not surprised that some of the av staffers kind of admitted they no longer watch the show. I am not being intentionally contrarian, but I think the show's first five years under Stewart (99-04) were awesome, and the show just declined from then on. I think part of that is attributed to Colbert and Carrell being

I can't really feel too bad for Charisma since she at least got that Buffy and Angel money, which is more than most hot women who can't act get. I loved Buffy, but how she and Eliza Dushku managed to out-audition anyone baffles me.

I kind of assumed (in part because it seems like more and more of the writers are 23 year olds from expensive colleges) the AV club pays really poorly, so most writers jump as soon as they get another offer.