
Really? I feel like 30 Rock kind of wonderfully embraced absurdism after the first season. If anything, the first six episodes feel like a different show (before we knew Kenneth was immortal, Liz slept with James Franco and his pillow, Jack's wife got captured by North Koreans, etc.)

Glad that Parks and Recreation gave us an entire season of Screamin Billy Eichner and two fucking episodes with Sam Elliot. Even though Parks and Recreation was weak last season, the show could have redeemed itself by having Ron murder Billy Eichner (I don't remember the character's name).

I think that like Casey Wilson, Jenny Slate just did not get enough screen time so never stood out on SNL. One of the problems of Wiig era SNL (besides of course way too many recurring characters) was that the writers would give Wiig a role in every sketch instead of giving new females a chance.

It is hard for me to think of another movie that got such a wide release and had so many basic mistakes. I especially like how the movie takes place in Germany, but half the cast has American accents, about a third have British accents, and the rest just have a vaguely European accent. I also think it was supposed

You know, around the time of the Goddamned Roman Empire, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, Syria, and Arabia all had significant Jewish populations. Then after 632 these pre-existing Jewish communities in the Middle East got to be second class citizens for 1300 FUCKING YEARS. So no, most Jews understandably don't go want to go

Eh, it is all uphill after you've been in this.

I've watched some of the animated stuff with my niece on the Disney XD channel, and it is pretty solid. Unfortunately, XD is also where Disney puts the live action shit it considers too awful to show on regular Disney. Basically, you have to be worse than Dog with a Motherfucking Blog.

Aidy Bryant might be the worst impressionist SNL has had since Norm MacDonald (well, I guess throw Kenan in there too). I don't mind it since she can do other stuff and SNL already does way too many impressions, but she is truly awful at accents.

I have never met a libertarian like Ron. There are plenty of Americans that hoard gold, have multiple rifles, live in the woods, and hate the federal government. Most of them also listen to Alex Jones, believe that Obama is a Kenyan socialist trying to bankrupt America through Obamacare, and think that rich Jews are

Yeah, Laimbeer was definitely the most hated player of the 80's. I can remember fans of all colors calling him a thug .

I don't get the people who compare it to adults liking Adventure Time or Justice League. MLP is a decent kids show, but not really that great. It was created with easy to understand messages about friendship (geared towards seven year olds). What a male over 18 gets out of the show is baffling. It has none of

I like Dirty Work, but sweet Jesus his standup is awful. I tried to watch some of his standup special, but had to give up after about ten minutes. There is no pacing, horrible punchlines, and most of the "jokes" are just him cursing.

Fair enough, although I will still maintain that Dongs was brutally bad. Anne Kendrick is pleasant, and has a pretty funny twitter feed, but there were so fews laughs tonight.

To each his own, but this is why we need the downvote option back.

Damnit, beat me to it. Could have sworn he would eventually get in trouble for his underage foot fetish.

I am a fan of the show and Samberg, and am surprised by how many other fans seem to dislike Samberg. Maybe I just have a lot of residual goodwill towards him for Hot Rod and Lonely Island.

Yeah, that was a fucking great episode (although really the entire show is great, and one of the most underrated shows of the past decade). I think I lost what little respect I had for Bomani Jones when he said he quit the Booondocks after that episode.

So less character development and dialogue, but more stripping. Shocking that a Soderbergh movie was not sexy fun times.

Schama describes how Jews had it much worse in Christian Europe, where they were considered Christ killers and often killed or exiled. At the same time, the Muslim rulers tolerated them but made sure they understood they were second class citizens and inferior. If you talk to Yemenite or Iraqi Jews, you won't find

Nope, even after Obama said the US was not sending troops Erdogan wanted a military intervention.