
The US was actually quite supportive of Erdogan when he took on the generals, even though it was pretty clear that some of the evidence in the trial was fabricated. The US even supported Turkey joining the EU as Erdogan was imprisoning more journalists than any regime in the Middle East. It is only in the last couple

Looks certainly matter a lot for females in hollywood. However, I think Tina Fey has been so successful because she is such a good writer. There have been lots of gorgeous and funny women that don't get roles because men don't write that many funny women. Other than a guest appearance on New Girl, I can't remember

My controversial/offensive theory is that Dratch has spun this narrative that she has not enjoyed the success of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler because they are more attractive. In reality, she has not enjoyed that level of success because they are much funnier/more talented.

Silver Spring is ok. Prince George's County, on the other hand, is awful. Crappy restaurants, crappy schools, and actually less safe than D.C. Also, National Habor is such a soulless monstrosity that the county has to bring in a casino to save it.

I'm not your guy, friend.

I think when he talks about Kim, he seems to lose self-awareness. (which is crazy since "hell of a life" is about people not respecting him for marrying a porn star). Sometimes Kanye has a good sense of humor, but when he says shit like Kim is the new Marylin Monroe, he really means it. He seems genuinely upset that

I could see this being awful, but I am starting to get a bit worried about Sonia's reviews. Between this and the Top Chef review she is sounding a bit more like a jezebel writer (which is never a good thing, gawker media is the devil). I just hope she does not start to use the words privilege, cultural

I think "pre-modern" is a really good description of Fallon. There is not really any irony or snark, and his monologues and interviews are inconsistent. It seems like his most popular bits are song and dance skits (with Springsteen, Timberlake, etc) or just wacky games. Having worked overseas, Fallon actually

I am surprised no one ever calls Carson out for stealing Karnak from Steve Allen, and Aunt Blabby (that doesn't sound dated at all) from Jonathan Winters.

I think the quality of the other late night hosts is one of the main reasons Leno has remained so popular. I am a huge Colbert fan, but beyond him the other hosts seem to be of about the same caliber. Letterman can occasionally still be good if he has a guest like Steve Martin or Bill Murray, but usually just mails

I used to constantly do the "sleep" voice with the hand motion, and no one knew what the fuck I was referring to. Dark City awesomeness really got overshadowed by the First Matrix.

I do enjoy the Mindy Project, and I think the show has the potential to be great. I just wish it would give the other female characters something to do (the first season had this problem with Anna Camp and Amanda Setton), and stop shoehorning Morgan in every scene. It does not really make sense for him to join the

Surprises in the sense, that "wow, I am surprised Beth Grant, Xosha Roquemore, and Zoe Jarman are still on the show since the writers usually give them no plots or lines. Oh well, time for Mindy to fall in love with a handsome guest star." Also, I don't even think Mindy wants you to find her character that

Yeah, that pretty much nailed it. I had actually liked Girls this season, but really disliked this episode.

Westboro Baptist is literally a small cult of about a hundred people, most of whom are related to one guy. They have literally no influence or political power. When we talk about scary views it is not like we are just talking about jihadist radicals. A poll of Muslims in Europe (who are usually more progressive than

Yeah, I fucking hate this false equivalence that "hey our right wing is just as bad as theirs." It is not even close. You could take Liberty University, one the of the most ass backwards religious schools in the country, and it would be the most progressive school in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Sudan. Show

As far as we know, they did not ever commit violence against non-crminals, and if they were like ratteballs, she essentially killed a ton of sentient robots rather than reprogramming them.

It did seem a bit a weird to have Terry investigating a steroids case, since he is so clearly a roid monster (seriously, he is like twice the size he was when he was in his 20's and played in the NFL).

I agree that the show went downhill overall in later seasons. I think it peaked in seasons 2 and 3 (it is surprising how much worse season 4 is), but that is part of why I was so surprised by season 7. I did not expect the show to regain peak form, but except for Hazel, I thought the show was as funny as ever.

Agree completely. It is hard for me to think of another show that lasted as long and went out on such a high note.