
There was something grimy and unsettling about this movie - plus, the situation was hopeless. I watched it as a young kid, alone in my room, much too late at night on a 13" black and white television.

I really getting sick and tired of people bringing up white privilege. I don’t know what it is nor care. If Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Leigh are great actors, should their race matter? Can we please stopping seeing race in a person?

Wow, you are completely insufferable.

Because there’s only one way to bring children up ‘right’ and the only way to view the past is through today’s woke lens? Give me a break. When the original commenter referenced ‘people who were brought up right” s/he clearly didn’t mean “people who were brought up with an awareness of racial issues that we recognize

I call BS on that. I was raised to judge a person by their actions and not their skin color. That is how it should be, is it always the case no. So do not tell me that that ignoring a person’s race is part of white privilege cause that is just the PC BS that has infected the world.

I thought ignoring race (and gender, and sexual orientation, and...) and treating every person EQUALLY is the best thing anyone can do. Just when I thought SJW narration can’t get any more fucked up...

I’d say the same is also true about people who only see race.
It’s important to see and stand against racism without becoming racist.

Nah, it’s definitely more complicated. I imagine “brought up right” means raised with the decency to not be hateful, but never interacting with people of color and/or not understanding the depths to which latent biases can reach. I have friends who had never met anyone not white and Christian until coming to college:

That’s what I thought so I don’t see much other than a contrived ‘controversy’ over Annihilation.

Nope. I’ve never said that it’s not a problem.

I wondered how long it would take for someone to rant “racism” and “white privilege”, as that is the answer to everything.

Case in point...

You know, part of the problem here is that white people who were brought up right were taught to, basically, ignore race and so you get well meaning filmmakers and artists perpetuating shitty practices not out of drive to exclude but because in their “color blind” conditioning it doesn’t even occur to them that they

why cant we just have a good movie without everyone wanting some type of representation for their group of this or that or some conceived failure on someones part becuase it was thought that they should have included someones obscure or mainstream view on something.

I’m not religious. I would say I’m a Neil de`Grass Tyson fan. However I was disgusted with his rendition of Cosmos for much the same reasons as the religious nuts were.

What an uncharitable sentiment. Did you even attempt to understand why they were upset in the first place?

Yeah I’m about as pro science as anyone but didn’t understand the extra steps they took to take pot shots at religion without any context beyond “look how awful they were back then and are.”

An egotistical force so powerful nothing can escape... not even light itself.

I got part way into the second episode before I gave up. NdGT bugged the living crap out of me, and I deleted the whole series.