
Get your white flag out yet? It appears overwhelming numbers flatly reject your premise, which appears to be a thin veil covering your misandry.

I would agree, and tell them to ditch Diet Coke; however, the fact that they exist is proof positive that your opinion on this is wrong too. Trust me, they have run the numbers, if they weren’t turning a profit, one would disappear. The sales do in fact justify the marketing.

I’d rather see Señor Spielbergo’s take

It’s a jujubee candy, he felt awkward without something there.

Peter wasn’t ready to be an Avenger just because he could. He will be an Avenger when he is needed in that role. I mean c’mon.

He’s not too old. Look a Jackman as Wolvie.

Numberbatch is the only semantic database with built-in de-biasing, Speer says in an email.

You’re right, but if Sony didn’t fuck it up, we wouldn’t have the oh-so-awesome Marvel Spidey we deserve.

You shut your wet mouth!!!

Just activating the lock screen gives some ambient light, probably enough to do the trick?

They can forcibly fingerprint you already, so I would imagine they can already unlock your phone? I don’t know.

This news makes me feel like dancin’!

Wake up sweepyhead! Time for your bweakfast

Dude, c’mon.

I think I’m the only honkey that doesn’t watch GOT, never seen a single ep. I do need to remedy that, however.

Cool. You’re right too.


Utterly heartbreaking.

Ehhh, I called it neat and fun. Which it is. Where do you get off taking a defiant attitude towards me, just because I don’t find it worth going bananas over?