
Good point, of course the cost saved in shipping would need to justify the cost of production (including time)

It’s neat and fun, but also pointless and pretentious. I mean eating it would be a novelty, but it ain’t real eatin’

Fact: you shouldn’t quote bullshit facts. Are you trying to make yourself feel better about ‘not’ spreading herpes because ‘everybody has it anyway’?


Send that link to NDT

He did lay it on particularly thick in the first two episodes of Cosmos.

Agreed. His main philosophical thrust (NB not his scientific/professional thrust) is to shine a light on Religion as being the absolute anathema to Science. Now in the Middle Ages this was true. Today there are ignorant pockets that don’t understand the separation between Church and State. But the “war” of

Not that I doubt your take on it, but it currently stands at 80% on Rotten Tomatoes. The score will almost certainly fall leading up to release, but I a, reassured it isn’t 10% to start

I am a physician. Not a dermatologist or some other rarified breed, but a down-and-dirty in the trenches of humanity hospitalist. I get to help people and their families every day, whether it is effecting a cure, or helping them die well. All in all, an exceedingly challenging and rewarding life.

I will say, that despite them being in the lower eschelon, I still own and enjoy rewatching them. I just wouldn’t trot them out to the uninitiated as a good case example of Marvel talent.


Huh, IM3? I wonder if that is more common than is it is actually my least favorite as well. I didn’t list it, as I usually see more gripes over Im2 comparatively (which puzzled me, as I really dig it).

I have a bad feeling about it myself.

I feel so sorry and badly for her...even though it is really hard to craft run-on sentences back to back like that...and truly I see nothing wrong with her wordcraft what so ever.

A little late to the party here, but thanks for writing that. You’re right of course. I enjoyed all the books and have read them twice.

Seriously, he will have become an ancient relic himself....Maybe that’s the plan

That lady was creepy AF

I was hoping it was a remake of this 80's gem;

...while gently massaging your buttocks.