Now playing

Your heart is in the right place, but sadly the is he inferior Simpsons ripping themselves off from when they were actually clever.

Timeless from the outset simply due to her mastery of the English language

That was goddamn hilarious!

Very interesting. I suppose it matters by what means your center is being stimulated. Alcoholics/addicts use to keep their pleasure centers happy (in part), but often with background feelings of serious misgiving that seriously impact their happiness. Even sex, if done with the wrong person for the wrong reason, is

Allo?! C’mon mah children need wine!

Thank you, I couldn't agree more. It was clearly written as a screenplay. No character development. Entertaining, but makes Brooks look like Tolstoy.

I think I love your grandpa!

Hey Vineet, come work with me on a Hospitalist shift 12 hours a day 7 days a week wearing dress shoes, dress socks and a tie...and then try not to be suicidal from discomfort.

I have to give my patients similar advice. Many were raised on the notion that ‘you must drink 8 glasses of water a day’. I ask them if they have ever noticed cats, dogs, squirrels, lions etc. measuring their water intake? No, they drink when they’re thirsty. Well we’re animals too, so the same rules apply.

Pepsi and Coke were only on the move in the 1980’s? ;)

You got either one, two, or three fireworks based on how well you did that level. Not sure if it was based on time or score though.


Thanks. Happily I have the money to waste, so it’s all good either way. It’s one of the benefits of being successful you mocking douche bag

US *of A (not and)

I am pretty sure the end point if not sleeping would be insanity. I’m sorry but sleep is so hard wired into our biology that it can’t be ‘scienced’ away. 4 billion years of evolution has crafted this into a pretty strong habit.

I agree with your logic. I don’t agree with your choice of words. I am a scientist. I believe in all science from quantum mechanics all the way to the cosmological scale. Evolution is, of course, real, and there is no debate.

No, you’re on target. I just get weary of all the basing here. Whether it is against the U.S., Caucasians, Christianity, capitalism. Took it out on you unfairly. My apologies.

Yep, all American citizens are brain dead hawks, you nailed it...and without resorting to played out cliches either.

There are heroes that manage not to carry weaponry. Doctors, nurses, teachers, firefighters, relief workers, and I could go on. But if they want a gritty/real depiction of somebody on the ragged edge fighting others with guns? I think having some form of firepower is acceptable. Besides blowing shit up does not

It was a play on your quote. Chill the hell down. Yeesh!