
Take a deep breath.

I agree. I thought it was obvious and already proven.

In junior high I was 4’11” and 85 lbs. At 41 I am 6 foot, 180, with a full beard and chest hair. My puberty, however, progressed at such a glacial pace nothing stands out. I was never surprised, but was more like “About F’ing time!”

Ah, an honest one :)

Pulled the noon to midnight shift for the Friday before the holiday weekend. Despite practicing for 11 years, this is how I expect it all to go:

One of the best movies in the known universe

I am one of the rare people who thought The Sparrow was overrated. There were elements I really liked. There was much that irritated the shit out of me. Waaaay too much time fixated on Sandoz’s stupid injured hands. The young man having to get advice about jerking off from a Jesuit priest (WTF?). The idiotic launch on

Ah! Yes

And WETA part of ILM?

Space time as a rubber sheet when I was 12.

Wish I could up vote this more than once. I adore the way Lewis can cut right to the heart of the matter.

The absolute WORST way to make a gesture. For some, it actually works, and they have weeks to dwell upon their folly as they die of fulminant liver failure. Idiotic that we allow it to be sold in quantities that could kill a neighborhood.

Thank you. I get tired of explaining that.

It is estimated that 1 in 10 abuses alcohol. That would equal 31 million in the U.S. alone. AA has about 2 million members globally, many fewer than that use the big pharma drugs. To have a true cure would be worth billions. They can't cure it because we don't understand it well enough.

“Hank does get that crazy retard strength”

Exactly. I am glad you found the solution! Stay well my friend.

Well said, and I agree completely except for the ‘flaws’ bit. The inherent flaws are not so much with the program per se, but rather incumbent on the sponsors who are free to misinterpret the program and their role. If, however, you view reliance on a higher power as a flaw, then we are at an impasse with the debate,

Haven’t seen the figures of ‘cure’ in Scandanavia, but at $8 a beer, they have more motivation ;)

Don’t forget Acamprosate and naltrexone for alcoholics.