
All SNL is atrocious. I would rather watch high school improv.

Simpsons up to season 9, then forget it.

From your lips to God's ears.

That movie fucked me up. The reanimated corpse in the freezer, the guy cremating himself. Gah!

I'm a Trek fan, and I like them. Have you tried re watching 'Insurrection' recently?

Burton's was 'dark' in the same hackneyed sense that Scissorhands was dark. The only movie I have ever liked from that douche was Sleepy Hallow.

I've been saying that forever, but am thrilled to be proved wrong year after year. We will fatigue on them at some point. Some won't hold up as well. I think they have a pretty good shelf life though.

I was a teenager in '89, and wanted to like Batman. It was so lame on so many levels I couldn't get on board. I was never happier than when I walked out of Begin's.

It is on my list now!

Yet abomination was spawned by the Army...


I liked it too. The Hulk body plan is actually great in both. Just like I adore pizza and Thai food despite their stark differences

It's because 'the bad Army is out to get ya' is a tired premise. There is zero intrigue.


I hear ya. is my destiny

It was a sardonic comment, please don't be a hypersensitive Pollyanna

Ha ha. I see your point. Call me cold hearted, but if you have the tech saavy to operate a digital platform, yet the naïveté to expect unaltered OT, then you deserve to lose your money.


That may be the dumbest question of the day.

Sounds like Wisconsin, but I had already considered Vermont to be “the other smaller Wisconsin” after hearing that quote on MST3K