
weirdly a ton of our fresh produce here is from Mexico/Chile etc

I hear ya, but still say multi-color mask turtles ain't the real turtles. All blood red or GTFO

Fair point, but as many here have posted, the agricultural industry could be restructured significantly. Additionally, the buy local trend would argue the big Ag industry could be knocked down a few pegs. Food would transiently become more expensive, but other farming areas would eventually take up the slack.

+1 for B5 reference!

it would be interesting to see if latitude has an effect as well in as much as there is less daylight in the winter, and the cold often precludes 3 hours outside routinely.

your mother is an inexpensive prostitute

no you should get a dictionary instead and look up 'hyperbole'

Sigh. You're right, socal is a lush biome meant to handle a population of millions as well as vast agriculture. Words mean things yes, but humans can read between the lines and make inferences. My comment is more than valid without adhering to rigid definitions. In other words, gimme a break man.

Not just today's level...

the entire southern half of the state is a relative desert in my book

That's cool. 2 of my 3 brothers agree with you.....but I will read all the news articles about your mega drought apathetically and with dry eyes.

It's good time to be another dumb hick here in fly-over country Wisconsin. Yeah it's cold from November til April, no there aren't any celebrity sightings, no we don't have a huge selection of sushi joints (only 3 in my city of 65,000)...but we didn't congest millions into a desert. We are hemmed in by two of the

all objective reviewers have directly contradicted every one of your PS4 claims BTW. You clearly have an axe to grind...

no :)

I'm in the same boat

nevertheless, I think the plan is for it to be a PS4 accessory

You don't honestly think that the PS4 will be replaced by 2016 do you? I know it was early, but my son wanted a new game, and I felt dumb buying the PS3 version at this point.

I bought a PS4 this year for precisely this very reason. Glad to hear it isn't disappointing!

That was a technology error, not unheard of with Kinja.

That was a technology error, not unheard of with Kinja..iPad probably didn't help either