
I would dare say He is more real than some internet troll who can only spout off tired limp-wristed anti religious sentiments.

I would dare say He is more real than some internet troll who can only spout off tired limp-wristed anti religious sentiments.

I would dare say He is more real than some internet troll who can only spout off tired limp-wristed anti religious sentiments.

I would dare say He is more real than some internet troll who can only spout off tired limp-wristed anti religious sentiments.

I would dare say He is more real than some internet troll who can only spout off tired limp-wristed anti religious sentiments.

sadly, when you live in 'flyover' country, the east coast centric Gawker ring can't fathom your existence

I knew about 1/2 of what you said, including the phone booth/alley escape. The rest is news to me. Probably didn't help that I was already half in the bag whenever going there was suggested.

I was there starting in 97 thru 06, and I had no idea about all of that!

I added it above in the comments

I agree. I think bars blast their music in an attempt to convince you the place is rocking, conversation is scintillating albeit inaudible, and you're not bored. Never worked on me past age 22

still the same procedure the last time I checked, but I moved away in 2006

Very true!

the Safe House in Milwaukee is hidden behind a false lobby for international exports

Fuckin A

Thanks for saving me the effort of writing the same thing! I remain mystified by those who feel Christianity and Science (fiction or fact) are mutually exclusive. The same with Chrisitanity and Fantasy. I also remain mystified at the narrow world view of modern readers who can't appreciate more antiquated writings

Very cool, but it doesn't explain why they seem to be attracted to one's head, sweaty faces, and co2 exhalation. There has to be another element beyond reproduction. Do they get some nutrition (or perceive they will) from our sweat or tears?

spend 20 seconds doing Google research and you will find how erroneous your statement is

circumcised both my boys, they slept through the procedure, didn't cry or grimace. The pediatricians I know (I'm a physician) also circumcised their kids