
You are reading far too much into brief responses. Let's just let all this rest


Not really. Voted for Barak round 1, and Mitt round 2. Prior to that voted Republican since age 18. I am a bit of a social liberal though. I also belong to a country club, but despair at the entitled attitude of the kids that 'belong' there based off their parents hard work.

not plays golf per se, but plays golf so excessively to perfect these stunts. I play golf, I work hard too. My dad and grandfather love(d) golf, and broke their backs getting to a point in life where they could enjoy it. These guys are 'sports and entertainment management' majors in college....gimme a break. You

You really nailed it, the wisdom just permeates your every word. You are a majestic being full of love and light and goodwill to all....until you read something you don't like and you immediately revert to a sad bitter person yourself that can't help but to shoot out your own negativity. Can't you see that you are

dalton, you are obviously a highly educated and well-spoken adult, and clearly not a confused teenager with a weird crush on these two guys...pleasure chatting with you.

Actually, I do. I have posted several retractions within the thread. There is no ability to edit posts after a period of time or after another comment. But since you seem just as eager to spew hatred, I will recap. They are not super wealthy. They are students at U of South Carolina. They both major in 'sports and

WRX would give a more unforgiving ride as well.

I can't go back and edit earlier posts, so there are retractions posted elsewhere in the thread. You guys are talented for certain, and I was able to discover you are not trust fund assholes. I apologize for the prejudice.

Awwww....thank you for rushing to the defense of country club members. Did you feel sorry for the Hitler youth as well? One's heart does go out to elitist bigots. Now go sit down son.

A round of golf on a public course is cheap. That is not a public course. They probably aren't trust fund assholes, bit it fairly clear that they have not, and will not, ever have to do a day's honest toil.

I looked into it too. They aren't trust fund babies (at least it's highly doubtful). Their dad is a PGA pro that runs his own golf academy and is the pro at the club. They are students at U of South Carolina but majoring in 'sports and entertainment management'...which probably explains why they have ample time to

I looked into it. They aren't trust fund babies (at least it's highly doubtful). Their dad is a PGA pro that runs his own golf academy. They are students at U of South Carolina but majoring in 'sports and entertainment management'...which probably explains why they have ample time to hone useless skills.

I heard Neal DeGrasse Tyson tell of this some time ago, hence I prefer

You, sir, are my hero for the day!

like the one you just demonstrated....hypocrite?

john, you are a twit who proves his small mindedness through his condescending remarks. It is a beautiful day here and I have kids to entertain. Why don't you go spread your righteous attitude somewhere else?

Do you even know the meaning of the word?

Whatevs, Not bitter, I just don't pop a chub at this stuff, sorry if I insulted your personal heros. And I am sure most would not consider me 'unsuccessful'. Maybe someday, I can be a spirit full of light and love as you obviously are

I don't know you from Adam, still it evokes involuntary eye rolls to call a six year old child sexist when their world view is defined by the experience provided to them by their parents. Maybe his dad was out of the picture, maybe his dad worked 2 jobs and the mom did all the housework. I work 86 hours a week, I do