
Actually Dances with Peeps was alluding to that, and that was to whom Garland was responding.

Now you're going from eloquent but a bit of an asshole. I don't agree with your well-worded explanations regarding human behavior and morality. There are elements of truth in a good portion of your reasoning, however, I find what you base it all upon to be fundamentally flawed. This flaw keeps your

Too true. But seriously, some will identify as English, Welsh, Scotch, Irish...(or so the BBC and two trips have taught me). What are the others?

I disagree.

Hey Booze-Aid!

Agreed on both points. We are Wisonsinites, weirdly my young son picked up on this somewhere and will respond with yessir at times. Sometimes jovially and other times earnestly....and I am FAR from strict. Who knows? I say it to my older patients as did my father with his, but he has never seen me at work.

absolutely, but it works of you're a parent too. At least it does with my kids!

I honestly appreciate he discussion. I think it is very healthy. I also think that we are approaching the same question with two very different view points, for where you see things in one light, I see them on another. We both feel the other is mistaken on a fundamental level, hence the antiquity of the argument,

well, I don't think he is wrong. Also cursory inspections are sloppy, and what you feel to be airtight counter arguments, I see as missing the point. People CAN make their own moral code....just not THE moral code. I would like to think we are evolving as a society where we can adhere more closely to the true moral

CS Lewis does in fact directly answer this specific question all well as several other anticipated responses to the premise. The poster above simplified his quote, which was arguing for a moral code or a 'law' governing how we ought to act that is more than a herd instinct. Lewis' statements in 'Mere Christianity'

Worst episodes are 'Glitch', 'Rootbeer', and 'Lemonhope'. I own all the seasons, but won't watch any of those again.

It tests the ramifications of untreated constipation.

"Okay, next we are going to see if we can give a disembodied head Inspector Gadget's body"

Thanks Jesus. Needed that this morning. And of course you're right; but technology aside , as a physician I am overwhelmed by the impossible complexity and wonder of the machinations of a single eukaryotic cell. If one looks with the proper perspective, we have always lived in a universe of wonder...there is

very well said!

you guys do this too often.

Not too late to delete your erroneous post...

¡yo tambien!

If by 'bummed out' you mean 'turned on', then yes....very.

"it's a shame Brett Ratner killed Jean Grey off in X-Men 3,"