
No, he's funny. Everybody on the inter webs is so damn sensitive.

Lex: Otisburg? Otisburg?!!
Otis: It's just a little bitty place Mr Luthor


Let's stop the trend where people say shit like "This.", and deem that an acceptable response.

How about the trend where web journalists are too fraking laze to write a column, and have their readers do it for them. Looking at you io9.

Well Homer and the Stonecutters attempted the invisible building....

Excellent points!

Nicely put!

Perhaps. I think it all depends on the reader. Nevertheless, the attempt is/was worthy. Remember, this book was written by 100 people who started the organization in the 1930's, and was largely written by one man. The guy was a stockbroker (of sorts) and had NO formal psychological/political/psychological training. I

But the problem is that the sponsor system doesn't fit with current scientific understandings of how addiction recovery works.

Almost certainly I would (and do) in my Audi. The kids jump at the chance to ride in daddy's super fast car. Still, I am amazed that the UK has more lax laws regarding child safety in cars compared to the States. Here a child that age would have to be in a booster seat, in the rear, not where the air bag could kill

You obviously have never read the AA literature, but only siphoned off others' opinions/interpretations. AA only requires that you not see yourself as the greatest power in the Universe, that you acknowledge there is power greater than yours. This is so you can become 'right sized' and see your life's issues with the

Very well said. AA has 2 million members alone, and it honestly works for those who commit. There is no way to track who is giving it their all, and who is in the half measures group. It would be like stating "diet and exercise must not help you lose weight, for look at all the obese people who have tried it and

Buyer beware. These are designed to be used with earbuds only, otherwise it's simply too quiet to hear...let alone mask other noise. Also they want $.99 for EACH ship?! And I can't even preview the sounds? Fool me know the rest.

The thing is we are messing with quagga, and we're going to bring the Xeelee down on our heads.

KSR's Red Mars is great on many levels, but I hated every single one of his main characters. I was supposed to be sad when these potential immortals died, but deep inside the nasty part of my brain grunted 'good'.

Yeah baby!

Not fluffy, Lumpy!

Not fluffy, Lumpy!

I just think its weird that there is only a 2 car garage on a house that size