
"Recursive diagnostics completed: I am GOD."

My sexbot gave me an STD!?

My sexbot gave me an STD!?

The black hole was finally sated.

I have jumped (once) from 11,500ft. That now seems like sliding off the couch onto the floor. Amazing!

Wow, written like a 5 year old with a concept of God suitable for a child of 3. Airtight baby!

Don't call liver awful until you've tried it (nyuk nyuk)

A nice bottle of chianti?

I'm right there with you man. I have always thought that too (and smirked at how clever I was). To allow myself to enjoy the movies, I cooked up some super solid quantum physics that involves using entanglent through space AND time which connects two ends of a wormhole. There's your smart guy time travel. You're

I'm right there with you man. I have always thought that too (and smirked at how clever I was). To allow myself to enjoy the movies, I cooked up some super solid quantum physics that involves using entanglent through space AND time which connects two ends of a wormhole. There's your smart guy time travel. You're

That's when you know the acting is good. If someone looks as if they are acting their heart out...they probably suck ;)

Love Franco for running with that episode.

Get a grip son.

I work nights from time to time. I sleep like a baby. Here is what I do/use:
Bucky eye shades (sleeping mask with padding so nothing touches your eyelids/lashes)
White noise machine (sleepmate is the best)
Benedryl 50 mg (optional)
Sublingual melatonin (5 mg)

Has the Great Attractor been explained? Or are the Xeelee being aloof as usual?

"Cripes, the Sun is exploding again."

Never heard of this before. Just read the 'look inside' pages off of Amazon. Laughed so hard my face hurts. Just ordered it. Thanks!

I hope they license this out to other planetariums or science museums. I would love to see it in full. Very intrigued.

And if the actor is an alcoholic....behold!

So is Christmas Eve the 23rd then? FYI many Americans do celebrate on the 24th, but I am pretty sure they are all Communists.