
All very accurate. Gandalf (Olorin) and Sauron are both Maiar class angelic beings. Melkor was Valar. I am not sure, but from what I gathered in my reading there are ranks within the Maiar too, and Sauron was near the top. The only thing that made him less evil than Melkor is that he deferred to 'something' instead of

Rachel's sister scarred me for life!

I begged my dad to let me watch a horror movie in the 4th grade. He showed me this. That night I swore I could hear pods cracking open under my bed. I tried to wake my brother out of a dead sleep to prove he was still human. When he showed no emotion (other than confusion), I totally lost my shit.

Ha! My 3 Hobbits woke me up too early :)

How original.

I am guessing there will be a divergence. One group of food will be enhanced nutrition of a more synthetic variety utilizing algae (e.g. Spirulina) insect protein, and potent antioxidants etc. The other group will be of the local/organic variety...likely with genetic enhancement. Hopefully we will see the decline of

Amen! That show was so grippy and awesome. Let's get a campaign going to Netflix!

Oh no you didn't just trash talk the Falcon! She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.

I really like this idea!

Tolkein's friend and contemporary had is own planetary classifications rooted in philology and his love of cosmology

Pretty brutal, but also pretty accurate. I thought the prequel Jedi were complacent and arrogant. And what was the the smack down when they went to arrest Sideous? 3 Jedi killed I'm the first exchange? Kit Fisto kicking ass on Geonosis and the going down like a bitch with Sideous just doing a slow spin? Windu brought

Oh just grow a pair already you sensitive man you.

If that movie was worth the sweat off a dog's balls you'd be right. As it stands, it's like pointing out the ugliest pimple on some hideous creatures festering hide.

If old George still has a soul (and I think he does), I bet that scene wakes him up at night.

Shoulder to shoulder if Statham weren't 5'10" ;)

I think he's an excellent choice. 6'4", and could easily be 215 lbs for shooting. He is near perfect physical casting.

Great Scott people! It is JUST a movie. I seriously don't understand the amount of energy so many expend of whining about the script, cinematography, home theatre release etc. I am a long time fan, and while it is different from what we were accustomed to, I still found it to be a damn good time. If it didn't suit

Yeah, I know. It was a big controversy, but the prof said they didn't interpret 'it' correctly, and the guy was tenured, know how it goes.