
Sigh. Take the time to read my responses to people posting replies to my original comment. I concede points, and compliment others on positions well-spoken. If that does not convince you, I don't know what else I could say.

Agreed on all points GrendelKhan. I like you, and think we should be friends. What are you doing later?

Well said! Honestly. I never thought of atheists as underdogs. Maybe ones eye is drawn to what one sees as a threat, but I find comments condemning religion in greater numbers. I tend to only visit secular we sites as dogmatic hand waving of Religionists also wears thin incredibly fast. Hence I rarely find

Dude, I already copped to that. you are no simply paraphrasing others here. Try reading the entire discussion next time. But while we are on the subject, are you honestly saying that my statement asking for insight (and giving props when it is offered) has me in the same camp as those frothing in the streets? my

In this case you are spot on. Elsie told me that it was a joke, and to chill. Good advice. there are numerous examples on talkback forums where there is dogmatic statements on both sides of the aisle and really no room for any true debate. I overreacted here thinking that this was such a case.

wast ute = astute. Blasted autocorrect. Is there no way to edit on kinja after publishing?

Well said indeed. I still feel it is bizarre for atheists to proclaim their atheism. If something is viewed as fantasy or 'fairy tales' (as I have often seen), I would think it beneath them to address it as something that needs to be disproven. Particularly as one camp never really converts the other. When such

Being spiritual, let alone being agnostic, is hardly 'Religious'. Being close minded can go both ways, and need not always apply to the conservative viewpoint. You can be a close minded red neck fundamentalist creationist. One can also be a close minded Darwinian. It all depends if whether or not they are willing

The part phrased like a question, was the question. I neglected to use a question mark as another wast ute commentator pointed out. My bad.

Whatever brother. They are honest questions. If they drive you to fury, I feel bad for you. I apologize for my lack of perfect grammar and punctuation. I did not intend it to be an English paper. Also, it is hard to type well on tiny iPhone keyboards. As to the rest of your comment, I have no reply as I stopped

Fair enough, although you would be the exception to the rule. Nevertheless, the question stands, rhetorically, for the remainder of the populace.

Can somebody explain why self-described atheists feel the bizarre compulsion to proselytize. They are worse than fundamentalist Christians in this regard, and just a close-minded. It makes one weary.

300 years ago is when the flash started, the picture was yesterday and i totally photo bombed it. The poor jerks won't know I f'd up their snapshot until 2313.


Did I notice? Only in as much as I sat in unnamed dread, waiting for this tired, tattered argument to again be dragged forth. This needs to be accepted as fact, and then dropped. Maybe in an alternate universe things may have been different. In this reality I'm afraid it is locked for as long as English remains.

I know! Gotta love the irony.

Fair enough my friend. Despite my apologist nature, I still would have forbade my kids from the same activity.

Still think you are needlessly condemning these kids. Lyme disease is the whimpiest of the tick borne illnesses. Try Ehrlichiosis or Babesiosis on for size. After that you may be tempted to make creative tick killing your favorite pastime. I treat dozens of cases of Ehrlichia each year. I have no love for the

Loved Sym-Bionic Titan, and I have an advanced degree, silver hair, and children.

Hey the PETA fanatics are looking for a new spokesperson. I think you're getting a little too hung up on the pain and suffering of an arthropod with only the most rudimentary of nervous systems and no higher level brain functions that are a general prerequisite for suffering. For instance, your sanctimonious