R. E. Warner

Clones! CSM is a clone!

The themes between the two seasons are fairly obvious and in line with the title of the show. The True detective goes in search of solving a small mystery only to find that there are puppet strings attached to all their clues and then traced back to a machine. The Machine crushes the ones in search of simple truths.

I don't know about the Chinatown or Heat influences (seen both) but wouldn't an awesome third season be where we see the leftover characters from the first and second seasons all get together and take down the big government baddies?—The Tuttles, the attorneys, Catalyst? … No. No, that would be terrible. At least part

I blurted out a laugh when Holloway was shot! A knife fight; one man unarmed, and these three LA cops just start shooting!? It's a definite statement about US police in our times.

Yup. I agree. See my comment earlier on. Mr. Robot does not exist. Still, the inclusion of hacking into that particular story trope is a good idea, and his arguments with Mr. Robot about morality and ethics are obviously going to get tougher. As he drifts into dependency on drugs, Mr. Robot will go stronger. But I

There was a day and age when no one thought Sci-fi (aka sneeze!—syfy) could produce a good show. But, they made Battlestar Galactica. (P.S. is that the same font on Mr. Robot?—just asking) This show has merits. It's well-filmed, well-acted; let's see where it goes!

This sounds awesome! Is there somewhere to get it now?

All hail Duck Man. Night Flight? I've never heard of it. Is there some place to watch/download it now? You have me curious.