
Unfriend and block them. They are not your friends. If they support trump, then they are ignorant racist assholes.

You can tell the guy’s a monster because he has a US Soccer sticker on his window.

No, what she said was pretty off the wall for a top law enforcement official. Allow me to provide the proper response:

Maverick wants his glasses back you opportunistic, boot-licking coward.

The guy who posted the video might qualify as well considering he just had to advertise to everyone he owns a Tesla by putting it in the title of the video.

Asshole Vs. Asshole

To be fair, CR’s methodology has pretty much always been a mix of the reasonable and the insane. I remember WAY back in the day being surprised that our family car (a fun little late-70s Scirocco) got dinged by CR because the non-power windows took one or two more cranks to close than similar cars tested.

The sheer amount of losses chalked up to stupid or otherwise unnecessary infotainment systems is silly.

Libby Watson Gets “Sonned.”

Uhhh... “Daughtered?”

That doesn’t sound right, either.  Can I get a ruling on this?  Can a woman get “sonned?”

Everett’s real crime here is narcissism and immaturity - what respectable 41 year old collects facebook friends like baseball cards and posts photos to look hard and show off to others?

Barack Obama: got himself elected President. TWICE.

“I don’t like the color”

I want to take Libby aside and ask her - how about those gay marriage rights? and obamacare? laughing at ted cruz after he led the country into a government shutdown that backfired on the R’s spectacularly? 

I wish I could give you a bunch of stars because your original comment is utterly and completely gender neutral. Hopefully one day she will learn that pulling out the sexist card in such a manner is very harmful.

Chill, child.

You know the real problem with voter apathy?


[long sigh] Yeah. Okay, great. Obama did nothing, guys. He wasn’t perfect, so he didn’t improve anybody’s life in any way as the economy was spiraling into depression era chaos and people were denied health coverage for the crime of being in bad health.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything