
Yeah! We all KNOW that facts a have a definite liberal bias, right? /s

Yeah! Damn anitfa shooting up black churches!

Jeans and at shirt is the maximum I’ll give to anyone who isn’t getting married, on a date with me, or paying my salary. I honestly don’t see any difference in someone in a suit vs another guy in sandals, shorts, and a loose fitting shirt at work. Provided both of them are clean and don’t smell bad. And cologne counts

I’m more disturbed by the fact that you really are equating Neo Nazis with a bunch of disorganized idiots. Then again, 56% of Americans in a Harris poll said President Trump was right in that rambling speech last week.

This post is pretty extreme.

No need to insult vaginas.

For what it’s worth, I don’t hate the Prius. Prius drivers, on the other hand...

What the hell does an “online demonstration” consist of? Vigorous tweeting and slightly stepped up trolling of comment sections? If these knuckle-draggers think they were outnumbered in Boston, they ain’t seen nothing yet.

How great is it that ACT allows ‘people’ to register for their events via Facebook?Makes it WAY easier for their employers to figure out who to fire on Monday morning.

If you are a person getting your history from statues and highways, you probably aren’t that well versed in history. Try books instead. Make sure it has a bibliography at the end too.

I take it the original poster needs a plaque in his bathroom to remind himself to wipe his ass or else he’ll just forget it.

Joe Bryant thinks there should be an Adolf Hitler Memorial Highway going past Auschwitz. Because, you know, that’s the only way to remember that history.

Preserving the record of evil deeds in history books is sufficient. Naming roads after the villians is neither necessary nor appropriate.

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.


After the past week there couldn’t have been any way for him to nazi this coming

When I was growing up I was taught in geography class that Congo was called Zaire. Mobutu Sese Seko, their resident totalitarian ruler, wanted to call it that. When his rule ended, the name changed to Democratic Republic of the Congo.