
I look forward to seeing all the comments about how far Hyundai has come, and how they should totally be considered when car shopping because price and wow, what you get for $5,000 less!!!. Random engine stalling????

I don’t believe you’ll find a capable AWD system in this Buick, at least not compared to Subaru. Ground clearance won’t even touch the Outback either.

Fuck yes!

In one of the stills of the tire sidewall, the “P315" width has been replaced with “P815" with an obvious arrow pointing to the number. Seems like a more realistic HP number.

The FSB lets them sleep in the spare bedroom.

Welcome to Gizmodo, Mr. Putin. You may find the stance on net neutrality and a free press here to be distasteful.

Have they fixed the Variable Cylinder Management™ (VCM™) yet? Ours needed a piston repair under 60k miles. Other models with the same cylinder deactivation like the Pilot have similar issues.

If that comes to pass I would hope the non-profits could meet the same standard of care. I’d certainly do what I could, monetarily, to make sure they were able.

I’m talking about manatees bruh.......see my initial post you responded to. Also, I’m getting this from the organizations that research & catalog manatee populations for conservation purposes. They post monthly, if not weekly, about rescues that (sadly) need to take place.

SeaWorld is often the quickest to arrive, most capable, and is highly successful. See also: Lowry Park Zoo. While I don’t doubt that others can rehab, I wouldn’t rely on them over more geographically appropriate locations.

Maybe we can finally rehab injured manatees in our backyard swimming pools when the Blackfish peeps shut down SeaWorld and the zoos.

This total was at $46,000 before Shaun King posted about it on Facebook three hours ago.

Can’t stick with science and not bash Trump...

Reddit: Make UI Look Nineties Again


We all share an obsession with no cure, well except maybe bankruptcy.

Get yourself over to

Why were we not consulted???!!?!?!

The trolls are gonna need some ointment for that burn.

You have to be pretty stupid to reject climate science and anthropogenic global warming. That alone seals it for me.