
@avclub-9b972ab65a176d0a3aabf71ea0c01ffc:disqus No, it is good.

Well, apples are tasty and a nice treat, but quantum physics makes the universe work.

Well, apples are tasty and a nice treat, but quantum physics makes the universe work.

Pseudo intellectual lemming film snob here. Glad I'm now disabused of my former thoughts on the film and I now hate it.

Pseudo intellectual lemming film snob here. Glad I'm now disabused of my former thoughts on the film and I now hate it.

When he got in touch with his native ancestry.

When he got in touch with his native ancestry.

Oh, obviously it won't. Was only speaking about my personal judgement, which is far superior to the Academy's.

Oh, obviously it won't. Was only speaking about my personal judgement, which is far superior to the Academy's.

I'm reserving judgement - people made the same pronouncements about Hurt Locker, and I though that was a very good movie, but significantly overrated.

I'm reserving judgement - people made the same pronouncements about Hurt Locker, and I though that was a very good movie, but significantly overrated.

Daniel Day-Lewis - A++
The rest of the movie - B-

Daniel Day-Lewis - A++
The rest of the movie - B-



agreed, but you got any alternatives?

agreed, but you got any alternatives?