
@simon_hurt:disqus I'm not sure what about being from San Francisco qualifies a person to talk about authentic Mexican food.

Someone needs to. The man deserves an audience for his art.

I'll say it again, it's Kanye and it's Dean Blunt and it's everyone else.

Album that no one else is going to list and that my claiming to be the best album of the year (tied w/ Yeezus) will invariably cause at least four people to call me a hipster:


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

Others though Jason Biggs was pretty bad, right? I'm not alone, am I?

Damn it, why did no one tell me it was opposite day!

Cool story, bro.

It was the one that made it look like a Stephan Chow film, right? All that did was allow me to imagine if the film was actually like that and then dispair because it would never be.

@kumagoro - Exactly, from my admittedly in-and-out viewing of the show, those safe are Tyrion, Jon Snow, Danerys, Arya, and Sansa. Probably Cersei too. Oh, and the crippled Stark kid. Basically all the characters that are driving a separate storyline. Martin won't kill a whole storyline and won't kill any of the young

It's just in comparison to the other seasons. The newspaper story is a major miss though, and it being such a focus of the season, has to count against it. Always thought the season also suffered from being three hours shorter than the others, and the serial killer story would have benefited from a bit more


B+ for this "disjointed hour"? Hot damn this show benefits from grade inflation. Come on, let's start calling some of these episodes what they are - average television that gets by on fan service. Some are fun to watch, but seriously, let's get a little spread into the grades. This isn't Deadwood or the Wire

Ehh, kinda boring. Maybe if I had a bunch of mdma I could get into it.

It's a good set, but I'll post two superior ones right here:

Or shooting a school full of _____

Cool story, bro.

But does it make the trains run on time?

For a great takedown of this piece w/r/t to torture scenes see Steve Coll's recent article in the NY Review of Books.