It’s not like you’ve got a huge list of projects at your door.
It’s not like you’ve got a huge list of projects at your door.
Did you walk through a sandstorm? Your skin seems a bit thin.
I mean, he has a point. This site is pretty much half promotional ads trying to sell me shit. Trying to paint the AV Club as some bastion of anti commercialism is pretty disingenuous at best.
Wow, great argument there. Fucking hack scum.
Fuck YOU, dude. Maybe write up a top 10 list of the best Kinja deals this past week, seems like a good fit for the site.
You used words that fit a rhythm of information you learned in college.
You didn’t use them because they made any contextual sense, or represented anything about the reality of this journalistic apparatus.
And you don’t even have the courtesy to feign self-awareness when someone reintroduces journalistic ideals…
“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”
Dude no you aren’t. U damn well know this joke has been made.
It makes a nice headline but we have no idea if she was paid less than anyone else for Mudbound she’s $12 million in debt that’s why she made no money.
Nobody gets a huge pay day from participating in independent film. You are doing it for art’s sake. If you garner critical acclaim and awards that’s the cherry on top of the sundae. Monique took the low money for Precious because the intent behind making the movie had nothing to do with its commercial prospects.
Ladies, as upset as you may be by this “lazy dreamer” (the male version of the “gold digger”) and his demands on Mary J’s estate, please understand that his lawyer would be committing malpractice if he or she did not make these demands for spousal support. Making a claim for support is not the same thing as being…
Certain Hollywood actors need to cross their fingers tightly EVERY night that sexworkers who’ve been abused by them don’t rise the fuck up next.
Older actors just have their skeletons buried even deeper, as it was “just the way things were” back then. guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words…
It’s more, “What he did is terrible, and I believe that he did do what he’s accused of, but it’s hard to look back at the film I did with him as anything other than the movie that gave me a successful career.”
That was actually handled very poorly. The best way to handle Milo and his ilk is to simply not show up or even care that he’s there. The reaction was the real bummer. That’s not how you handle these people and all that was accomplished was y’all gave fuel to the false equivalency BS coming from the concern trolls on…
Except that the Trop is Wrigley Field compared to the old Olympic Stadium. People in Tampa have all year to enjoy the outside (hell, they’re probably happy with the air conditioning). People in Montreal have to hide in an underground city for five months out of the year like a bunch of C.H.U.D.s and on top of that,…
So ... nobody came to the games because of the shit stadium. You just described Tampa Bay, and they’re (at least) working on fixing the stadium part of the equation. The rest of your post is Montreal Chamber of Commerce puffery.
Well, she’s the one that initially said she did it because she wanted him dead. Fuck her. She should still be in jail.
Pretty sure Arrested Development will be fine. They’ve already finished filming. And Tambor isn’t the main character on the show. Also it’s very very popular. No way Netflix is shelving it.