
X-Men! It's easy these days to compare it with modern superhero movies, and to point out a few plot holes that are… questionable (much like the X-men movies made since the first two), but damn, these were the gold standard for superhero movies to help bridge the gap between the mid-90s and the post-Raimi Spider-Man

I try and replicate that ham nearly every day.

I saw a bunch of babies in a hammer fight in a dumpster!

That bit is great, but the rest… man, it was hard to get through the rest.

He steps on the clutch and the toilet goes fllluuusssshhh…

Not if you get hit by a bus tomorrow!

It's not though. There is talk with the Sony president that they will definitely do the movie, but that a seventh season is not out of question.

I was being mocked pretty heavily even up to last night. Glad to see it paid off.

It's even easier for you to avoid now that it's not on cable. Let everyone who still enjoys the show watch it.

Love Superunknown, love Soundgarden. The reasons are numerous, and most of them are listed above. My favourite thing about these "anniversaries" is that most of the people who hate these albums can't be bothered to throw their animosity at them, and for the most part the people who grew up listening to them can

Having to watch/read only the things that my wife and kids like. I love them to bits, but most of my favourite pop culture is too violent/vulgar/scary/whatever for them, so I end up waiting until they're in bed or out of the house to watch Hannibal/read Saga/etc etc. If I was limited to children's shows and terrible