
I loved playing with and defeating that one friend who was so obessive about the game that he was basically in God mode the whole time. It felt like such a victory, even if it took two or three friends teaming up to take him down.

By gold standard I mean basically the only stuff worth watching. The DCEU films took four cracks until they were watchable. The X-men films are in constant flux and inconsistent in quality and success. Everything else (Spawn, Hellboy, TMNT, Power Rangers) is in reboot status, to varying degrees of success.

Because it's basically the gold standard for comic book adaptations in film and television right now, and makes for an easy comparison in regards to what the above commentator mentions.

I agree, I'm really looking forward to a second season (which I think happens regardless of whether or not NBC picks it up, Hulu or Netflix or someone will snap it up due to the critical acclaim and the likely relatively low-cost).

I'm rewatching the series from the beginning and it's extremely amusing to see the gleam in Michael's eyes as he's deliberately messing with the four inhabitants. I just reached "What we owe to each other" though, and there are more than a few scenes where he appears to be genuinely enjoying himself with Eleanour,

I wish they had kept Coupe and co (the newer residents) from season 8 on for that last, terrible attempt at a reboot, as they already had some chemistry, but I guess the cast and crew needed an overhaul? Having Turk with no Carla at all made no sense whatsoever, nor did totally changing the location by saying that

They gave it a long string and then Scrubs jumped ship to ABC, put out a solid final season, and then mutated it into some kind of abhorrent mess with a mostly new cast.

Superstore is fantastic. Sitcom-y, but with enough spark to make the episodes stand out.

Well, what kind of other movies/books/ etc do you like? I would ask that before recommending anything from anyone. Except for Edgar Wright's movies, those are just awesome for everyone.


White Wedding - Billy Idol

Deloused in the Comatorium - Mars Volta

Doctor Dark - Captain Beefheart

Because he wasn't Vader until the end of the last one.

St. Anger is a decent first draft of an album that would have been good, but for the most part it's near impossible to listen to, especially with headphones. I like a lot of the riffs. Lulu sucks even harder. :)

I'm Finally getting caught up on Astro City via trades (a friend of mine lent me some original issues years ago that I read and enjoyed at the time), and I just read this story. It's quite good despite being well-trod-upon territory at this point in time.

Not yet

Now we're talking! Basically getting right into where the comic kicks off, plot-wise, and I'm excited to watch it unfold!

Cool beans?

I don't know if I fully agree. Certain things have been changed that I think will be very hard to compare with the comic, but there's still some opportunity here to get things on the right track, and in a more fully fleshed-out and compelling way than the comic. And I absolutely love the comic, having read and