Beat Doctor

I think a lot of the “vocal minority” are those who had high hopes, saw the things the show did — and now, occasionally does — very well early on, and hoped that would continue.

Shiva not being around for the majority of the show is maybe the one believable thing about her storyline. Zoo tigers get fed about 10 pounds of raw meat per day. There’s no way the Kingdom residents, no matter how much they believe in the Kaaaang, would agree to give the majority of their food to someone’s pet. She’d

Since winter has literally only made ONE appearance in ONE episode on this show (1st episode of the second season, I think...?) you could make a decent argument that it hasn’t even been a full year.

I’d really like to point out all the foolishness in this episode — no fewer than three Deus Ex Machinas rescue Ezekiel and WTF were each of them doing while he was struggling to get away... Armed Saviors choosing to simply escape rather than kill the woman who’s 50 yards away and murdered all their friends...

Now THAT is a quality in-show Easter egg. Someone saying “Aegon” is NOT.

Good Lord of Light, this is about the most over-reaching “show Easter egg”-ish post I’ve seen. So by this logic, anytime anyone on the show uttered the name “Aegon” they were foreshadowing Jon Snuh’s true parentage, eh?

I truly do not understand what B-Real is doing in this group. I won’t pretend to know his politics, but it’s kinda weird that the guy who’s mainly known for rapping about weed and co-opting the N-word even though he’s Hispanic is part of the political protest rap-rock band.

I feel like it’s probably going to be a bigger deal to Jon and Dany than it will be to the general public, who may never even find out. I expect Jon “Aegon Targaryen” Snow to go full-on Maester Aemon and abdicate his claim to the Iron Throne.

That’s something I’m curious about: the general Westerosi public’s feeling about incest. Because let’s not forget, prior to the past two decades of Baratheon rule, there were three centuries of Targaryen incest, and certainly no one in the Seven Kingdoms rose up to put a stop to it. Hell, Bobby B’s immediate

I feel like it’s possible (though not probable) that they don’t find out. What if they arrive back at Winterfell, and Bran and Sam see how happy they are together, how their relationship — incestuous though it may be — and combined power is essential to defeating the White Walkers, and decide for the greater good to

I got some beef with Theon’s new Magically Impervious Crotch Area. I get that maybe it wouldn’t hurt as bad as being kicked in the ACTUAL twig’n’berries, but he still got kicked really, really hard multiple times. He still has a taint, right?

There’s really no point trying to parse the logic of Cersei Lannister. She hates who she hates and she’ll justify it any way possible. And she is right to some extent that Tyrion’s murder of their father emboldened their enemies. You can even make the argument that he bears a little responsibility for Myrcella’s death.

Sarcasm duly noted. And all of that is fine. But that's an awful lot of greenseeing on the Night King's part, for him to formulate a plan, based around specifically knowing:

It totally could be. And if they did set a trap, that means the Night King has the same type of greenseer powers as Bran and anticipated the dragons coming north. To me, that lends some credence to the whole "What if Bran is the Night King?" theory (that, and re-casting the part as a guy with a prominent schnoz during

It’s definitely the cat and the glowing eyes. But overall, Don Bluth provided quite a bit nightmare fuel for my younger sister and I growing up. He definitely took the Disney aesthetic and gave it sort of a grimy reboot in his animated features. I think a lot of them hold up better than the Disney films, mostly

Natural gas — IT’S A FRACKDRAGON!

The valonqar prophecy could still be true. If she dies in childbirth and Jaime is the father, that probably still counts.

I think he just knows it will complicate things, no matter what ends up happening. What happens to the alliance if they have a falling-out? What happens if Jon tries to assert himself more as a king once they’re together? In some ways, this is Tyrion’s wheelhouse: mapping out how various relationships will affect the

I am not super-excited about not seeing them die, as weird that sounds... because typically that means we’ll see them again. I wonder if Beric will be wielding a blade with blue fire on it. That would be unfortunate.

I could be reading way too much into this, and maybe it’s just the result of contract negotiations and actors wanting to pursue other projects, but I took note with great interest when they recast the Night King as a guy with a prominent nose, during the same season Bran returned to the show... with a prominent nose.