Beat Doctor

I thought Ed Harris was going to wax one of the guests who approached him to finally explain that, but it didn't happen.

That's presuming everyone comes to the park to either bang or murder robot hosts with no consequences. It's designed, at least on the surface, as a completely immersive experience, a place where a person can get lost and "find themselves" in whatever way they choose. It's entirely possible that there are simply rich

My takeaway from this is that real, actual Pentagon recruits thought some shit Kiefer Sutherland did on Fox was true to life. That is pretty terrifying.

I wasn't quite as put off by the episode as the reviewer apparently was. Not crazy about it, but I thought Glenn's death was appropriately horrifying, and it came as a direct consequence of Daryl's actions. Presumably, if he hadn't hauled off and punched Negan, it would not have happened.

I feel like the original "Hurt" would have suited this trailer better.

When I didn't see it in the review, I thought I may have missed something. Planning to re-watch it tonight.

Are we just not going to talk about the fact that Dolores got shot and did not appear to be affected, let alone fatally injured?

Big L … was one of the creators of horrorcore. — I don't know about that. He released "Devil's Son" in '93 and claimed it was the first "horrorcore" single ever released. But a quick perusal of his lyrics doesn't really bear the reviewer's statement out. If you search for "horrorcore rappers," you gotta go through a

"That beard was terrible. That wig was incomprehensible."

This sounds like an interstellar version of My Dinner With Andre, with Obi-Wan and a Jawa sitting around chatting for two hours over a game of holo-chess.

"Yeeeeeah, if you coooould go ahead and touch my weiner, that would be greeeat…"

Oh Teti, no need for all this explanation. You had me at "the Baltimore Ravens lost."

No controversy stirred up by the baby weiner on the Nevermind cover?

The only thing missing from this comment is a .gif of David Caruso slowly pulling on his sunglasses.

I mean, it's still lined with tinfoil, right? So… =)

Oh yeah? I heard it kind of started going off the rails, but the first season or two seems to have gotten a ton of praise.

I'm ashamed to say House of Cards is languishing in the bottom third of my Netflix queue.

Tom DeLonge, fix that silly-ass hat.

Mister Quinlan: Waste not, want not.

I knew you'd be back. I'm glad, because while this season hasn't veered into high-quality territory, it's certainly skidded back toward watchability.