Beat Doctor

That's a bold stance, Brosa Parks.

That's kind of how I feel about Dave Matthews Band. The older I got — and particularly once I stopped dating and got into a long-term relationship — DMB lyrics began to sound more and more like a bad eighth-grade love note.

A lot of people who dislike the Dead's aimless meandering aren't all that familiar with the era where Pigpen was the lead singer, '65 to '71. There is a lot of stuff from that era that hews much closer to classic rock and blues, with some out-there psychedelic jamming mixed in. Their early takes on "Good Lovin'" and

I think a big part of it is Lucas' dastardly dialogue. It got by in the late '70s and early '80s, but it just sounds so completely leaden in the prequels. I think Harrison Ford was the one who told Lucas, "You can write this shit, but you sure as hell can't say it."

I shudder at the dead-on accuracy of this description.

'Undiscovered Country' has always been a personal favorite, particularly for Christopher Plummer's excellent turn as Klingon Gen. Chang: "For that, Kirk… I shall blow you out of the stars."

It's LEEK WEEK at the crib. Harvested my leek crop on Monday. I have a nice big container of leek-and-potato soup and Tupperware full of leek and bacon dip, but I need a good suggestion for the remainder.

When I was living in Delaware, the local Hispanic market did up a big batch each week of rinds, cracklins and particularly chicharrones. You had to be there within an hour of them hitting the butcher's self-serve table, 'cause it was GONE in no time.

Next Morrisey is probably going to demand AVClub take this story down because there's a story about meat on The Supper Club page.

Ahh, my dad got that through BMG back in the '10 CDs for 1 cent" days, but it didn't get a lot of spins at our house. I liked one of his other all-acoustic albums that came out about the same time, uhh, World Gone wrong. I fucking love "Ragged & Dirty."

The best thing I tasted at Garlicfest so far has been my buddy's garlic baklava, where he replaced the nut layer with garlic. It doesn't seem like it would work, but DAMN, does it ever.

It's not a joke in my house. I WILL. My buddy made pumpkin-garlic soup a couple years back — hella good because the weather was a little chilly that year — and he literally put 100 cloves of garlic in it.

It's always so hard to tell. I play in a bluegrass band, and we try and do a little research into the tunes so when we're putting setlists on our website we're crediting the right source, but it's tough to know for certain.

The few times it's been tried at our Garlicfest, it's added more of an aroma than a taste. There was a distinctly vegetal note, but no one threw up.

I think there's definitely a way to do it, and I think it could be extremely visually interesting if done right.

No, no, my buddy's last name is Pears. Point took'n, though.

Garlic in a beverage is usually either an A or an F. There have been a few attempts at garlic-infused beer at our Garlicfest over the years, with varying results.

Not technically a shuffle, but an old CD I found in the computer room labeled "Mixtape #3":

Like a Dylan cover of the Stanley Bros. song? What album is that on, or is it a live recording?

Planning to eat garlicked everything at my buddy's annual Garlicfest celebration/cooking competition. This summer I grew 208 heads of five varieties of garlic. A solid 30-40 of them are specifically for Garlicfest.