Beat Doctor

Nobody WANTED to see a main character get beaten to death. But since literally everyone in America pretty much knew it was going to happen — and since a solid third of the viewership read the comics and knew who it was supposed to be — not showing it is just a giant cop-out. I didn't need it to be over the top and

"The ending should have been YUUUUUUUGE! I'm protesting 'The Walking Dead,' not watching it anymore."

I actually just rewatched the "Vision Quest" episode over the weekend. They were discussing that everyone in the elevator had, at some point, seen Pam's vagina. I suppose Archer could extrapolate from that, but I bet everyone just chalked it up to Pam being Pam.

"You have no idea how not cool that sh*t is" should have been the entire review for this episode. D-

Two things: 1) this episode was so enjoyable that by the end, I had completely forgotten about Archer floating face-down in a pool… 2) Ever since Pam and Archer started hooking up, all I can think about that Lana and Pam once had sex (Lana gave her a sympathy quickie in S2 or S3), and Archer will eventually somehow

Bye, Felicia. (although I agree that 'Bye, Elizabeth' would be super-appropriate here)

Jesus, the worst of the Matrix movies had the top spot up to now? That's depressing.

TYRION: What do you mean there's a 'dress code' for this establishment? These are fine Myrish garments!"

Why would Dwight waste a bullet shooting Daryl in the shoulder? I feel like the writers learned the wrong thing following the Glenn-under-the-dumpster debacle/reaction. When Dwight says "You'll be fine," it can only mean one of two things: 1) a moment that made everyone freak out for half a second but was immediately

That's fair. The Dead's penchant for doing everything on-the-fly, including setlists, occasionally made for some real clunker shows. But when they were on, they were ON. I don't want you to think I'm trying to convert you or anything, but check out the "New Minglewood Blues" from this '78 show, particularly Garcia's

When I can't decide whether I'm looking more forward to this or the new Game of Thrones season, you know you've created a helluva cartoon.

I mean, Skynyrd's line "In Birmingham they love the governor" is a George Wallace reference, right? And concert venues still have to confiscate piles and piles of Confederate flags at their shows. Sooooo……

When some of the first discussions were being bandied about re: making a movie out of Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series, all I could think of was that Tim Roth would be the absolute perfect Eddie Dean.

They're totally gonna kiss.

It's hard to imagine something more ironic than Bogart saying the song is "gay-sounding," knowing there's also a link to the audio of "Plastic!" on the same page.

Yeah, he lost me with the Van Mo putdown. Although I wouldn't want to the same two records every day no matter how much I liked them.

WHOA, I'm in on the first part. Not the second.

I can't speak for him, but as someone who plays an instrument, I can tell you why I dislike Clapton but like the Dead: Clapton's playing has always struck me as technically excellent, but also very clinical and devoid of emotion. I'm willing to put up with the occasional clunker note from Jerry Garcia (although not

I don't actively hate DMB — certainly not as much as this guy — but I did discover, once I had a regular girlfriend, that his songs seemed much more juvenile and eighth-grade-note-to-a-girl-you-like-ish.

I agree. I really like "Arular" and "Kala," but I could do without the faux-terrorist/provocateur posturing.