
Bari Weiss is an op-ed columnist at what is arguably the most influential daily newspaper in the nation. That is real estate many writers, regardless of political orientation or anything else, would saw their own leg off to obtain. More ought to be expected of both her and the paper.

What’s Barbara Lee, chopped liver? Safe districts in heavily Democratic cities have been sending left-wing representatives to Congress for decades. They just tend to get dismissed because they’re black.

Still hoping that curly mess of hair comes down to his belly when the Twins retire his No. 64 at Target Field in 2035.

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Anyone else have Scott Joplin bouncing around in your head while reading this article?

This article only briefly mentions the 16-0 Yale team from 1894 and focuses on the 1897 Penn team that went 15-0?  Pssh.  Recency bias.

You can tell Captain D. Weeks was the maverick of the team because he was the only one willing to brazenly part his hair to one side instead of dead down the middle.

Every single time a college coach tries his tough guy histrionics to “motivate” the team, somebody should whip out that photo of George Woodruff and force him to bow before it.

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Boeing sent this video in response to inquires about the canopy falling off.

NBA circles always talk about “So And So has to develop a 3-point shot” like it’s just some magic thing that you can just do in one or two off-seasons. Largely, shooters are shooters and it’s extremely rare to see somebody go from a total minus from range to a plus without some extremely positive peripherals to

I’m confused. From the play synopsis it’s basically about an intentionally fucked up therapy session involving three interracial black/white couples wherein the white partners were color-blind ‘love is love’ types who’d happily date and marry black people but act ignorant that their whiteness can hurt the people they

Yeah, he’s big on fakes where the holder runs straight up the middle on 4th and 6 and gets pancaked like a marcher on the Edmund Pettus Bridge (just to help drive the point home for Alabamans, like a billy club to the body of a marcher on the Edmund Pettus Bridge).

Dan Gilbert authorizing a sketchy and possibly fraudulent financial transaction? Thought I’d never see the day. 

Uh, what? The NYT arts section lauds trangesssive works, both new and old, fairly often. 

Lurie, I’m hoooome!

Please. You’re going to need a lot more “No Senor’s” than that if you’re ever going to compete with me on Latino speed-dating night.

As Abraham Lincoln put it about “Dixie” (paraphrased), “Let them play it. We paid for it. We own it.”

I’ve been giggling for five minutes over “Kam Chancellorsville”, so thank you for that.

Who can forget Cody Pickett’s Charge, the Battle of Kam Chancellorsville, or the Michael Vicksburg Campaign?