The Bean Countess

Just think, if these people were poor, semi-mentally-incapacitated, and living in small town Wisconsin that kid would already be in jail for life.

It makes me so mad when I contrast Brendan’s treatment with the Ya Boy Ethan Couch’s foray into the legal system.

That combined with his concern for wrestle mania broke my cold, dark heart.

When he asked his mother “what does ‘inconsistent’ mean?” and the mom was like “um . . . I dunno” I just hung my head and thought oh man, this poor guy is screwed.

You realize that was an intentional manipulative comment right? He didn't slip up and call her that by accident. He was trying to color the jury's perspective of her. He wanted them to see her as a helpless, vulnerable child to get them riled up and pissed off. (Sidenote: she was helpless and vulnerable - no doubt

The weird part is if they are both guilty as charged, how can you convict them using completely different scenarios of the crime?

My favorite glimpse into this mans brain was when he described Teresa as a “little girl — oops! I mean woman.”

Not to mention his cognitively challenged teenage nephew, who had never gotten into any trouble in his life, and who will likely spend another 30 years behind bars unless something is done. Just a little collateral damage, right guys?

Man, I really want to hear from a member of Halbach’s family who’s not the creepy brother. The whole time I was watching I just kept thinking how outraged I’d be at the shoddiness of the investigation, let alone the likelihood that police co-opted Halbach’s case to put Avery back behind bars. And then there’s the

Thank you. People keep conflating the two, along with the idea that planted evidence = cops killed her and framed him.

Don’t forget, “Reasonable doubt is for innocent people.” After saying that he should have just been disbarred on the spot.

I don’t think most people who watched the series think Steven Avery is an upstanding human. Dude obviously was a creep and had some boundary issues with women. That doesn’t mean I’m okay with him being convicted for a crime it’s unclear if he committed.

Well we know they don’t lose sleep over anything, including coercing a mentally slow teenager into a false confession, so let’s not take that as proof that he did the right thing or that it must mean the right man is behind bars.

I think she’s saying that she likely wouldn’t be as wildly successful at 25 had she gotten pregnant when she was a sexually active teenager and young adult, and the avoidance of such a pregnancy was due, at least in some part, to Planned Parenthood.

Funny you say that because when I looked at this photo I thought it was interesting that she’s in a pose that makes her appear broader in the chest/shoulder area because of the arm-over-head. Almost more masculine, in a way. It looks like more of a powerful sexy pose than a coy/sultry one to me.

Let me guess... serious women aren’t allowed to be sexy too?

No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

But if sitcom and rom-com tropes has taught me anything, it’s that NO woman is truly successful until she has found a man and made the boldly progressive choice to forgo that dreamed of promotion in favor of choosing a simple life of homemaking and child rearing.

Yes, how dare she, as a woman, be multi-dimensional and have multiple thoughts at once. shame.

She seems to be on a Jolie style trajectory of becoming more political and outspoken as she gains more power and I’m kind of loving it. I’d be shocked if she took it as far, but it looks like she’s having the same “maybe I should do something with all this attention I’m getting” lightbulb moment.