Maybe don’t post a screenshot of what could be someone's trauma? Please? For the love of god...
Maybe don’t post a screenshot of what could be someone's trauma? Please? For the love of god...
Come on, now. Do we really need a still from the video to be the header for this article?
Jesus Christ. (Assuming) a girl has already been raped, and you have to go and post video footage of the unbelievably traumatic assault online for the entire world to view? How fucking horrible of a human being do you have to be to force a rape victim to deal with the horror of not just being raped, but then having…
is it bad that I’m just actively rooting against Taylor to win any awards at this point? Her and fucking Ed Sheeran. Also Maroon 5. Always Maroon 5. somebody throw them together in a Hunger Games arena.
Didn’t he say he had tiger blood? So confusing.
A man like this doesn’t want a partner, he wants a beautiful young woman to parade around with. When she can’t fulfill that role anymore, he leaves her and finds another, and keeps it up until he dies or no longer has the looks/money/fame/charm to find who he wants.
That would be the case if there was such a thing as “up” in space, but there isn’t. There’s no gravity and no sky. If you turn upside down, nothing changes except that south is on “top”.
Wilde West.
I think she said he won’t have a directional name. It’ll probably be Khryst.
Please let it be South. Please let it be South. Please let it be South.
Easton is my vote.
Quite seriously if I had a family member who had *allegedly* raped a 12 year old? They can sit in jail and rot. But then I don’t like most of my family .
We didn’t get any further than making out in this dream, though dream-me was sure thinking about it... And thank goodness for that, because while I was making out with Alice Cooper, he turned into a large black panther.
Teeth falling out is a really common one. I dream about my teeth being loose a lot. And also I dream about running, but I can’t run — it’s like I’m trying to run through deep water, there’s so much resistance.
This summer, I had a sex dream about Rob Ford (yes, that’s the crack smoking ex-mayor of Toronto). In the dream we were married, and had people coming over for dinner in 20 minutes - so I convinced him we should sneak in a quickie before our guests arrived (yes, I convinced HIM). We then proceeded to have intense sex,…
And a couple more short ones, just because the plethora of weird sex dreams I have could become a novel.
1) I was fucked by the entire cast of Magic Mike on the floor while surrounded by the entirety of my male friend group from college (15+guys).
Leopard print belongs on leopards and leopards only. Irks me even more than the name.
Alex Trebek. We were going to town, sweaty and frantic and he kept yelling, “Who is....your daddy?” over and over again like they phrase it on Jeopardy. Suddenly he pulled out and I was standing naked in front of the studio audience, crying.
“Home is where the house is”
Like, I hope it didn’t happen, because ehhhwwwhattt?